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Numbers and Algebra

Fundamental Algebra - Algebraic Equations (Linear, Quadratic)


'Solve the following equations:'

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'Determining coefficients from the imaginary solutions of an equation'

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'Let x be the amount to be repaid at the end of each year, find the value of x such that the balance at the end of each year is zero.'

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'Find the cubic equation with roots 1, 2, and 3.'

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'Find the equations of the following lines:\n(1) A line passing through the point (6,-4) and parallel to the line 3x + y - 7 = 0\n(2) A line passing through the point (-1,3) and perpendicular to the line x - 5y + 2 = 0'

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'Therefore, the value of the given expression is'

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'12 \\times 3 \\cdot 2^{k-1}=3 \\cdot 2^{k}'

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'Determine the types of solutions for the following quadratic equations. Where a is a constant. (1) 3x^2-5x+3=0 (2) 2x^2-(a+2)x+a-1=0 (3) x^2-(a-2)x+(9-2a)=0'

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'For the equation x22(k3)x+4k=0 x^{2}-2(k-3) x+4 k=0 , determine the range of constant k k so that the equation has the following roots:'

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'Solve the following system of simultaneous equations.'

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'When 0 ≤ α < π/2, sin α is the y-coordinate of point P in figure [1], and 2β (0 ≤ 2β ≤ 2π) represents the angles of radii OQ and OR.\n∠ AOQ=∠ BOP= π/2 - α, hence\n2β₁ = π/2 - α, 2β₂ = 2π - (π/2 - α)\nTherefore, β₁ = π/4 - α/2, β₂ = 3/4π + α/2\n\nWhen π/2 ≤ α ≤ π, sin α is the y-coordinate of point P in figure [2], and 2β (0 ≤ 2β ≤ 2π) represents the angles of radii OQ and OR. ∠AOQ=∠BOP=α - π/2, thus 2β₁ = α - π/2, 2β₂ = 2π - (α - π/2)\n\nTherefore, β₁ = -π/4 + α/2, β₂ = 5/4π - α/2\nFor 0 ≤ α < π/2\nα + β₁/2 + β₂/3 = α + 1/2 ( π/4 - α/2 ) + 1/3 ( 3/4π + α/2 ) = 11/12α + 3/8π\n\nHence, 3/8π ≤ α + β₁/2 + β₂/3 < 5/6π\nFor π/2 ≤ α ≤ π\nα + β₁/2 + β₂/3 = α + 1/2 ( -π/4 + α/2 ) + 1/3 ( 5/4π - α/2 ) = 13/12α + 7/24π\nTherefore, 5/6π ≤ α + β₁/2 + β₂/3 ≤ 11/8π\nFrom (1) and (2), for 0 ≤ α ≤ π, 3/8π ≤ α + β₁/2 + β₂/3 ≤ 11/8π\ny = sin(α + β₁/2 + β₂/3) is maximized\nα + β₁/2 + β₂/3 = π/2, i.e., 11/12α + 3/8π = π/2, thus α = 3/22π and the value of y at this point is 1.'

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'Determine the types of solutions for the following quadratic equations.'

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'Practice solving the following equations and inequalities.'

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'Find the values of the constant mm for which the quadratic equation x2mx+3m=0x^2 - mx + 3m = 0 has only integer solutions, and determine all such integer solutions.'

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'Find the sum and product of the two solutions of the following quadratic equations.'

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'Solve the following practice problem: Find the solutions to the quadratic equation.'

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'Important Example 23 | Solutions of Quadratic Equations and the Value of Equations Let the two solutions of the quadratic equation x2+nx+p=0 x^{2}+n x+p=0 be a,b a, b , and let the two solutions of x2+nx+q=0 x^{2}+n x+q=0 be c,d c, d . Here, p,q p, q are integers, and n n is a real number. (1) Express (ca)(cb) (c-a)(c-b) in terms of p,q p, q . (2) Prove that (ac)(bd)(ad)(bc) (a-c)(b-d)(a-d)(b-c) is a perfect square (can be expressed as the square of an integer).'

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'Calculate the probability p_{n+2} after (n+2) seconds using p_n and p_{n+1}.'

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'(1) Let D be the discriminant of the quadratic equation x^2-k x+3 k-4=0 (1), then D=(-k)^2-4(3 k-4)=k^2-12 k+16. For the quadratic equation (1) to have complex solutions, the condition is D<0, so k^2-12 k+16<0.'

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'Given the three lines, where a and b are constants: x-y+1=0, x-3y+5=0, ax+by=1. Prove that when these three lines pass through the same point, the three points (-1,1), (3,-1), (a, b) are collinear.'

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'Determine the values of the constants a, b such that the equation (a-2b+4)x + (a-3b+7) = 0 becomes an identity with respect to x.'

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'Solve trigonometric equations using sum and product formulas.'

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'(1) Solve the equation: 6x261x+153=0 6x^{2}-61x+153=0 .'

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'In sequence, 4x + 3y - 17 = 0, 3x - 4y + 6 = 0'

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'Based on the following conditions, solve the problem.'

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'Find the equation of the line passing through the point \\( (x_{1}, y_{1}) \\) and perpendicular to the \ x \ axis.'

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'When a cubic equation with real coefficients ax^{3}+bx^{2}+cx+d=0 has an imaginary solution α, explain about the conjugate complex numbers and demonstrate their properties.'

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'(1) Let alpha\\alpha and \eta\eta be the two solutions of the quadratic equation x2+3x6=0x^{2}+3x-6=0. Determine a new quadratic equation with solutions 2alpha+\eta2\\alpha+\eta and alpha+2\eta\\alpha+2\eta. (2) If alpha\\alpha and \eta\eta are the solutions of the quadratic equation x2+px+q=0x^{2}+px+q=0, and one of the quadratic equations with solutions alpha2\\alpha^{2} and \eta2\eta^{2} is x24x+36=0x^{2}-4x+36=0, find the values of the real constants pp and qq.'

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'Find the values of α, β, γ that satisfy the following equations: \ \egin{\overlineray}{l} \\alpha^{3}=2 \\alpha^{2}+4, \eta^{3}=2 \eta^{2}+4, \\gamma^{3}=2 \\gamma^{2}+4 \\end{\overlineray} \'

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'Find all integer values of mm for which the quadratic equation x2+(2m+5)x+m+3=0x^{2} + (2m + 5)x + m + 3 = 0 has integer solutions.'

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'Practice: Starting from the origin O on the number line, throw a coin, moving 2 units in the positive direction if it lands heads, and 481 units in the positive direction if it lands tails. Let the probability of reaching point n be denoted as pn. Here, n is a natural number.\n(1) Determine the relationship between pn, pn-1, and pn-2 for n greater than or equal to 3.\n(2) Find the value of pn.'

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'Translate the given text into multiple languages.'

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'(1) (6, 4) (2) In order (4x + 3y -17 = 0, 3x - 4y + 6 = 0)'

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'Mathematics II'

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'Taking the reciprocal of both sides of the recurrence relation gives \\ \\frac{1}{a_{n+1}}=4+\\frac{3}{a_{n}} \\ Letting \\ \\frac{1}{a_{n}}=b_{n} \\ we have \\ b_{n+1}=4 + 3 b_{n} \\ Rearranging this gives \\ b_{n+1} + 2=3 (b_{n}+2) \\ Also, \\ b_{1}+2 = \\frac{1}{a_{1}} + 2 = \\frac{1}{\\frac{2}{3}} + 2 = 3 Therefore, the sequence \\ \\{b_{n}+2\\} forms a geometric sequence with first term 3 and common ratio 3, where \\ b_{n}+2 = 3 \\cdot 3^{n-1} \\ which implies \\ b_{n} = 3^{n} - 2 \\ Hence, \\ a_{n} = \\frac{1}{b_{n}} = \\frac{1}{3^{n} - 2}'

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'(2) Let the x-coordinates of two intersection points A and B be α and β, respectively. By eliminating y from y=x^{2} and y=m(x+2), we get x^{2}-mx-2m=0. α and β are two different real solutions to this quadratic equation. Let D be the discriminant, then D=(-m)^{2}-4\\cdot 1\\cdot(-2m)=m(m+8). Since D>0, we have m(m+8)>0, which implies m<-8 and 0<m. Also, based on the relationship between the solutions and coefficients, α+β=m. Therefore, if we let the coordinates of the midpoint of line segment AB be (x, y), then x=(α+β)/2=m/2. Additionally, y=m(x+2). By eliminating m from (2) and (3), we get y=2x(x+2), which is y=2x^{2}+4x. Furthermore, from (1) and (2), we know that x<-4 and 0<x. Therefore, the sought trajectory is the part of the parabola y=2x^{2}+4x where x<-4 and 0<x.'

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'When the equation of a circle is transformed, \\((x - 2)^2 + (y - 1)^2 = 2\\), the center of the circle C is at the point (2,1), and the radius is \\\sqrt{2}\.'

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'Let 14k be a real number, consider the quadratic equation in x, x^{2}-kx+3k-4=0.'

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'Consider the following conditions for integers a, b, c (*). ∫(x²+bx)dx = ∫(x²+ax)dx when integrated from a to c and b to c. (1) Express c² in terms of a, b when integers a, b, c satisfy (*) and a≠b. (2) Find all pairs of integers (a, b) that satisfy (*) and a<b when c=3. (3) Show that when integers a, b, c satisfy (*) and a≠b, c is a multiple of 3.'

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'Find the general term of the sequence {an} defined by the following conditions.'

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'Practice 2 curves y = 2x^{3} + 2x^{2} + a, y = x^{3} + 2x^{2} + 3x + b are tangent with the tangent line passing through the point (2,15), find the values of constants a, b and the equation of the tangent line.'

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'Practice 39: x² = x + 3, that is x² - x - 3 = 0 has two solutions α, β (α < β), and from the relationship between the solutions and the coefficients we have α + β = 1, αβ = -3. Prove it. Also, prove that the recurrence formula is a_{n+2} - (α + β)a_{n+1} + αβa_{n} = 0. Finally, find a_{n}.'

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'29- (2/3) x + 11/3\n30- (4 x^2 + 10 x + 5)'

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'Please demonstrate that an equation with real coefficients of odd degree has at least one real solution.'

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'A math problem set 62'

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'Find the value of the following expression.'

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'(3) From the sum of two numbers α+β=-4 and the product αβ=13, find the quadratic equation and its solutions.'

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'Classify the number of solutions of the equation sin ^{2} \\theta-\\cos \\theta+a=0 (0 ≤θ<2π) based on the value of the constant a.'

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'Let the first term be a and the common difference be d, then the 10th term is 1 and the 16th term is 5, so a+9d=1, a+15d=5. Solving these equations gives a=-5, d=2/3. Let Sn denote the sum of the terms from the first term to the nth term. Therefore, S30=1/2*30{2*(-5)+(30-1)*2/3}=140, and S14=1/2*14{2*(-5)+(14-1)*2/3}=-28/3. Hence, S=S30-S14=140-(-28/3)=448/3'

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'Practice 38: Transform the recurrence relation into a_{n+2} + 4a_{n+1} = -4(a_{n+1} + 4a_{n}). Therefore, the sequence {a_{n+1} + 4a_{n}} has an initial term of a_{2} + 4a_{1} = 9, a common ratio of -4, prove it is a geometric sequence. Also, demonstrate that a_{n+1} + 4a_{n} = 9·(-4)^{n-1}. Finally, find the value of a_{n}.'

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'For the quadratic equation ax2+bx+c=0 a x^{2}+b x+c=0 with two solutions alpha,\eta \\alpha, \eta , we have alpha+\eta=fracba \\alpha+\eta=-\\frac{b}{a} and alpha\eta=fracca \\alpha \eta=\\frac{c}{a} .'

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'Let D1D_{1}, D2D_{2}, and D3D_{3} be the discriminants of the three equations, respectively. Determine the range of values for a that make each discriminant have complex roots. Use the discriminant results based on the equations.'

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'Three real numbers a, b, c form an arithmetic progression in the order a, b, c, and a geometric progression in the order b, c, a. When the product of a, b, and c is 125, find the values of a, b, and c.'

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'From the equation of C2, we have (x-3)^2 + (y-a)^2 = a^2 - 4a + 5. Find the conditions for this equation to intersect the line y=x+1 at two distinct points.'

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'Math II Practice Booklet page 61'

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'x^{2}+y^{2}=10\n(3) y=2 x-8\n5 x^{2}-32 x+54=0\nLet the discriminant of this quadratic equation be D\nfrac{D}{4}=(-16)^{2}-5 cdot 54=-14\nSince D<0, this quadratic equation has no real solutions. Therefore, Circle (A) and Line (3) do not have any intersection points.'

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'y = bx - a² / 4'

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'When a = 1, the equation for C₂ is x^2-6x+y^2-2y+8=0. Now, let k be a constant and consider the following equation: k(x^2+y^2-4)+x^2-6x+y^2-2y+8=0. Find the conditions for this to form a line.'

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'The condition for both solutions to be greater than 4 is D>0 and (α-4)+ (β-4)>0 and (α-4)(β-4)>0'

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'Since the midpoint of the line segment PQ is (3+p)/2, (4+q)/2 lies on the line ℓ, therefore'

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'A cubic equation with repeated roots'

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'Solve the following 4th degree equation: x^{4}=4'

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'Prove that at least one of \ a, b, c \ is 1 when \ a+b+c=1, \\frac{1}{a}+\\frac{1}{b}+\\frac{1}{c}=1 \.'

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'Please explain the solutions to the equation (x-3)^{2}(x+2)=0 and its repeated root.'

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'Let Q(x)Q(x) be a quadratic polynomial. The polynomial P(x)P(x) cannot divide Q(x)Q(x), but {P(x)P(x)}^2 can be divided by Q(x)Q(x). Prove that the quadratic equation Q(x)=0Q(x)=0 has a repeated root.'

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'Since the real number is positive, it follows that x2>0x-2>0 and 3x>03-x>0. Therefore, 2<x<32<x<3. And since 2log4(3x)=log22(3x)2=log2(3x)2\\log_{4}(3-x)=\\log_{2^{2}}(3-x)^{2}=\\log_{2}(3-x).'

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'Interpret this as solving for b in the 2nd degree equation'

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'Using the relationship between the roots and coefficients, find the following value.'

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'Important Example 27 | Solutions of Two Equations'

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'For vegetable A, each contains 8g of nutrient x₁, 4g of nutrient x₂, and 2g of nutrient x₃, while for vegetable B, each contains 4g of nutrient x₁, 6g of nutrient x₂, and 6g of nutrient x₃. Selecting some of each of these two types of vegetables to mix and make vegetable juice. The goal is to have nutrient x₁ at least 42g, nutrient x₂ at least 48g, and nutrient x₃ at least 30g in the selected vegetables. When making juice with as few vegetables of type A and B as possible, the combination of the number of vegetable A, a, and vegetable B, b, is'

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'For all natural numbers n, derive cn + 1 by utilizing an + bn + cn = 1.'

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'Lake 37 book p. 119 Finding the equation of the circle in the form x^2+y^2+lx+my+n=0. The circle passes through point A(8,5), so 8^2+5^2+8l+5m+n=0; passes through point B(1,-2), so 1^2+(-2)^2+l-2m+n=0; passes through point C(9,2), so 9^2+2^2+9l+2m+n=0. Simplifying gives 8l+5m+n=-89, l-2m+n=-5, 9l+2m+n=-85. Solving these equations gives l=-8, m=-4, n=-5. Therefore, the required equation is x^2+y^2-8x-4y-5=0. Another approach is that the circumcenter of triangle ABC is the center of the desired circle. The equation of the perpendicular bisector of AB is y-3/2=-1(x-9/2), hence y=-x+6. It can also be verified by substituting x=y=0 into 4(x+5)^2+(y-4)^2=r^2. From (1)-(2) ÷ 7 we get l+m=-12, from (1)-(3) we get l-3m=-4, thus 4m=-16, etc.'

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'Example 4 | Three numbers forming an arithmetic progression\nThere are three numbers forming an arithmetic progression, with a sum of 18 and a product of 162. Find these three numbers.'

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'Let the volume of a rectangular parallelepiped be denoted by V, where V = x y z is derived from equations (2), (3), (4), x, y, z are the roots of the cubic equation t^3 - 5 t^2 + 8 t - V = 0. The condition for the existence of positive numbers x, y, z is that equation (5) has three positive roots.'

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'Example 42 | Equation of a Line Passing Through a Fixed Point\nLet k be a constant. The line (2k+1)x+(k-4)y-7k+1=0 passes through a fixed point regardless of the value of k. The coordinates of that fixed point are denoted by A. Also, when the slope of this line is 1/3, the value of k is represented by B.\n[Fukuoka University]'

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'a³ - a² - b = 0 or 9a + 27b - 1 = 0 where a ≠ 1/3'

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'The base is a positive number that is not equal to 1.'

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'Find the condition for one of the equations to have complex roots.'

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'Comprehensive Exercise'

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'Find the quadratic equation using the sum and product of two numbers.'

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'Example 18 The value of the symmetric equation (2)\nFor the two roots alpha,\eta \\alpha, \eta of the 2nd degree equation 2x2+4x+3=0 2 x^{2}+4 x+3=0 , find the values of the following expressions.\n(1) alpha5+\eta5\\alpha^{5}+\eta^{5}\n(2) (alpha1)4+(\eta1)4(\\alpha-1)^{4}+(\eta-1)^{4}'

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'Example 38 Recurrence Relation Among Adjacent 3 Elements (2)'

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'Show the solutions and discriminant of the quadratic equation ax² + bx + c = 0 with real coefficients.'

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'Find the equation when the line passing through the intersection points of 2x - y - 1 = 0 and x + 5y - 17 = 0 becomes parallel to 4x + 3y - 6 = 0.'

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'(1) Find the quadratic equation from the sum of two numbers α+β=7 and the product αβ=3, and solve for the roots.'

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'Solve the following problem.'

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'(1) Find the roots of a quadratic equation using the sum and product of two numbers.'

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'Example 17 | Value of Symmetric Expressions (1)\nSecond-degree equation x^{2}+3x+4=0\n(1) \\alpha^{2}\eta+\\alpha\eta^{2}\n(4) \\alpha^{3}+\eta^{3}\nLet the two solutions of the equation be \\alpha, \eta, then find the values of the following expressions.\n(2) \\alpha^{2}+\eta^{2}\n(3) (\\alpha-\eta)^{2}\n(5) \\frac{\eta}{\\alpha}+\\frac{\\alpha}{\eta}\n(6) \\frac{\eta}{\\alpha-1}+\\frac{\\alpha}{\eta-1}'

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'In (2), the relationship between the roots and coefficients is α+β=-p and αβ=q. In x²+qx+p=0, the relationship between the roots and coefficients is α(β-2)+β(α-2)=-q, α(β-2)+β(α-2)=p, and 2αβ-2(α+β)=-q. Therefore, 2q+2p=-q, which implies 2p+3q=0. From (2), we get αβ+αβ-2(α+β)+4=p, and from (1), we get q(q+2p+4)=p, thus p=-3/2q. Substituting (6) into (5) and simplifying, we get 4q²-11q=0, which leads to q(4q-11)=0. Solving this gives q=0 and 11/4. When q=0, from (6) we find p=0. In this case, α=0 and β=0, which contradicts the assumption that α and β are not equal. When q=11/4, from (6) we find p=-33/8.'

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'Let the discriminants of the equations (1) and (2) be denoted as D1 and D2.'

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'Simplify the equation to'

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'Since the point (1,2) lies on the line (3), we have a+2b=1'

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'Find the range of possible values for y to satisfy y=-2x+3 for x within the range -3 ≤ x ≤ 2.'

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'Prove the following equation:\n\na^3 + b^3 + c^3 = -3(a + b)(b + c)(c + a) \nwhere a + b + c = 0.'

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'Show the relationship between the solutions of a cubic equation and the coefficients.'

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'Determine the value of the constant k that satisfies the following conditions:\n(1) One solution is twice the other solution\n(2) One solution is squared of the other solution'

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'For real numbers a, b, let f(x) = x^3 - 3ax + b. Let M be the maximum value of |f(x)| for -1≤x≤1.'

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'Let the coordinates of point P be (a, b). The x-coordinate of the points where the line with slope m passing through point P intersects curve C is the real solution of the equation x^3 - x = m(x-a) + b. When this equation has three distinct real solutions, the line ℓ intersects curve C at three distinct points.'

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'Find the value of k that satisfies the following conditions.'

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'Find the equation of the line passing through two distinct points \\( (x_{1}, y_{1}), (x_{2}, y_{2}) \\).'

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'Assuming the given sequence is an arithmetic progression with the first term as 5 and common difference as -7. If the nth term of this arithmetic progression is -1010, then 5+(n-1)×(-7)=-1010. Solving this equation gives 7n=1022, which means n=146 (a natural number). Therefore, the given sequence can be an arithmetic progression. Additionally, -1010 is the 146th term.'

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'Given mathematical text converted to multiple languages.'

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'Practice 39⇒This book p.91\\ From the relationship between the solutions and coefficients of a cubic equation \\ α+β+γ=2, \\αβ+βγ+γα=0, αβγ=4\\'

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'When the equation x2+y24kx+(6k2)y+14k28k+1=0x^{2}+y^{2}-4 k x+(6 k-2) y+14 k^{2}-8 k+1=0 represents a circle\n(1) Find the range of values for the constant kk.\n(2) When kk varies within this range, find the trajectory of the center of the circle.'

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'For all values of x, y, and z that satisfy x-2y+z=4 and 2x+y-3z=-7, the constants a, b, and c need to be determined such that ax^2+2by^2+3cz^2=18 holds true.'

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'Find the values of constants a, b, and c that satisfy the equations x - 2y + z = 4 and 2x + y - 3z = -7 for all values of x, y, and z that satisfy those equations.'

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'Determine the values of constants a, b, c so that the equation 3x^2-2x-1=a(x+1)^2+b(x+1)+c is an identity in terms of x.'

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'Find the number of distinct real solutions to the following cubic equations.'

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'Confirm logarithmic equations and conditions of exponents'

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'When the cubic equation x3(a+2)x+2(a2)=0 x^{3}-(a+2) x+2(a-2)=0 has a double root, find the value of the constant a a .'

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'Find the equations of the following lines.'

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'Find the two numbers that have the sum and product as follows:'

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'Develop 52: Proof problem regarding the solutions of a quadratic equation'

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'Determine the types of solutions for the following quadratic equations. Note that k in (4) is a constant.'

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'Find the conditions under which the given polynomial P(x) = 5x^3 - 4x^2 + ax - 2 is divisible by x = 2 and x = -1.'

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'Determine the types of solutions for the following quadratic equations. Note that k in (4) is a constant. (1) x^{2}-5x+3=0 (2) 4x^{2}+28x+49=0 (3) 13x^{2}-12x+3=0 (4) x^{2}+6x+3k=0'

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'When the quadratic equation x2+2(a+3)xa+3=0 x^{2}+2(a+3) x-a+3=0 has two different solutions both greater than 1, find the range of values for the constant aa.'

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'For the quadratic equation ax2+bx+c=0 ax^2 + bx + c = 0 with two solutions alpha,\eta \\alpha, \eta and discriminant D D :\n1. alpha,\eta \\alpha, \eta are two distinct positive solutions LongleftrightarrowD>0 \\Longleftrightarrow D > 0 and alpha+\eta>0 \\alpha + \eta > 0 and alpha\eta>0 \\alpha \eta > 0 \n2. alpha,\eta \\alpha, \eta are two distinct negative solutions LongleftrightarrowD>0 \\Longleftrightarrow D > 0 and alpha+\eta<0 \\alpha + \eta < 0 and alpha\eta>0 \\alpha \eta > 0 \n3. alpha,\eta \\alpha, \eta are solutions with opposite signs quadLongleftrightarrowalpha\eta<0 \\quad \\Longleftrightarrow \\alpha \eta < 0 '

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'Consider the signs of the differences \\\alpha-k, \eta-k\ of the real roots \\\alpha, \eta\ of a quadratic equation and a real number \k\\n\nFocus on the signs of the sum \\( (\\alpha-k)+(\eta-k) \\) and the product \\( (\\alpha-k)(\eta-k) \\)'

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'Find the number of distinct real solutions for the following cubic equations.'

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'Determine the range of values for the constant mm such that the quadratic equation x2+2mx+6m=0x^{2}+2mx+6-m=0 has two distinct real roots both greater than 1.'

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'Determine the range of values for the constant m so that the quadratic equation x2+2(m1)x+2m25m3=0 x^2 + 2(m-1)x + 2m^2 - 5m - 3 = 0 satisfies the following conditions: (1) Has two positive roots. (2) Has two different negative roots. (3) Has roots with opposite signs.'

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'Let a, b be constants. Find the values of a and b when the polynomial x^3-x^2+ax+b is divisible by the polynomial x^2+x+1.'

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'Find the first term and the common ratio of a geometric series such that the sum of the first three terms is -7 and the sum of terms from the third to the fifth is -63.'

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'Higher degree equation: Find the value of the constant aa and the other root of the equation x3ax2+(3a1)x24=0x^3-ax^2+(3a-1)x-24=0, given that one of the roots is x=2x=2.'

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'Identity with Condition'

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'For the quadratic equation 4x2+4(m+2)x+9m=04 x^{2}+4(m+2) x+9 m=0, answer the following questions.\n(1) Determine the range of values for the constant mm when the equation has two complex solutions.\n(2) Find the values of the constant mm and the repeated root when the equation has a repeated root.'

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'Let α and β be the two solutions of the quadratic equation x^{2}-3x+4=0. Find the values of the following expressions:'

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'Show the formula for solving the quadratic equation ax^2 + bx + c = 0 and find its roots.'

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'Solve the following equations for 0 ≤ θ < 2π: (1) 2cos²θ - √3sinθ + 1 = 0 (2) 2sin²θ + cosθ - 2 = 0'

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'Determine the values of the constants a, b, and c such that the equation x^2+2x-1=a(x+3)^2+b(x+3)+c holds as an identity with respect to x.'

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'If the three solutions of the cubic equation x3+x2+x+3=0x^{3}+x^{2}+x+3=0 are denoted as α,β,γα, β, γ, find the values of α2+β2+γ2α^{2}+β^{2}+γ^{2} and α3+β3+γ3α^{3}+β^{3}+γ^{3}.'

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'When the cubic equation x3+(a+1)x2a=0x^{3} + (a+1)x^{2} - a = 0 has a repeated root, find the value of the constant aa.'

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'Find the sum and product of the two solutions to the following quadratic equations.\n(1) x24x3=0 x^{2}-4 x-3=0 \n(2)2x23x+6=0 2 x^{2}-3 x+6=0 \n(3) 3x2=54x 3 x^{2}=5-4 x '

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'Find the equations of the following lines:'

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'Basic 62: Solving Higher Degree Equations (2) - Utilizing the Factor Theorem'

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'Solution: Using the formula x = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / 2a, where a = 1, b = -3, c = -3. Answer: x = 3 or x = -1.'

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'Determine the types of solutions for the following quadratic equations. Here, k in equation (4) is a constant.'

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'Find the solution and answer for 2x^{2}+4x-1=0.'

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'176 (1) y = 4x - 9 (2) y = -2x, y = 6x - 16'

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'Show the relationship between the solutions of a quadratic equation and its coefficients. Let the solutions of the quadratic equation be α and β for ax^2+bx+c=0, then using the formula for solutions, demonstrate the following relationships:\n\n1. Sum of solutions α+β\n2. Product of solutions αβ'

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'Find the general term of the sequence defined by the recurrence relation a1=1,an+1=2an+3na_{1}=1, a_{n+1}=2a_n+3^n.'

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'When S_{2}=2 S_{1} \\quad-\\frac{1}{6}(m+3)^{3}=9 \\text{, that means} \\quad(m+3)^{3}=-54 \\text{, since } m \\text{ is a real number} \\quad m=-3-3 \\sqrt[3]{2}'

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'If the two solutions of the quadratic equation x^2 + 2x - 4 = 0 are α and β, then what is the quadratic equation with solutions α + 2 and β + 2?'

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'Find the values of x and y when the identity (k-1) x + (3-2k) y + 4k-7 = 0 holds for all values of k.'

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'Find the range of values for the constant aa when the quadratic equation x2ax+4=0x^{2}-a x+4=0 has two distinct solutions, both of which are less than 3.'

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'Extension 53: Integer solutions of quadratic equations (using the relationship between solutions and coefficients)'

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'Solve the high degree equation x^{3}-4 x^{2}+2 x+4=0.'

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'Basic Example 62 Determine Coefficients of Degree 64 Polynomial (1) ... Conditions for Real Solutions 3rd degree equation x3+ax217x+b=0x^{3}+ax^{2}-17x+b=0 has -1 and -3 as solutions. (1) Find the values of constants aa and bb. (2) Find the other solutions to this equation.'

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'When the quadratic equation x22ax+3a2=0 x^{2}-2 a x+3 a-2=0 has two distinct positive solutions, find the range of values for the constant a a .'

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'Consider the polynomial P(x)=x^{3}-2 x^{2}+qx+2r. When the solutions of the cubic equation P(x)=0 are -2 and two natural numbers α, β(α<β), find the values of α, β, q, and r.'

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'When the quadratic equation x^2+2mx+15=0 has the following roots, find the value of the constant m and the two roots.'

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'Find the formula for the solutions of the quadratic equation ax^{2}+bx+c=0.'

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'Find the value of the constant m m and the two solutions when the two solutions of the quadratic equation 3x2+6x+m=0 3 x^{2}+6 x+m=0 satisfy the following conditions:'

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'Find the general term of the sequence {an} determined by the 25 conditions. (1) a1=1, an+1=2an-3 (2) a1=1, 2an+1-an+2=0'

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'Consider the cubic equation x3+(a5)x2+(a+8)x6a4=0x^{3}+(a-5)x^{2}+(a+8)x-6a-4=0.'

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"Find information about 'high-degree equations' based on the following table."

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'\ 67 a=1,10 \'

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'Solve the following quadratic equations.'

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'Find the value of the constant m and the two solutions of the quadratic equation 3x2+6x+m=03x^{2}+6x+m=0 such that it satisfies the following conditions: (1) One solution is three times the other. (2) The ratio of the two solutions is 2:3.'

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'Solution to a quadratic equation'

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'Find the equation of a circle passing through three points.'

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'Development 69: Solution of Higher Order Equations (3)'

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'(5) \ x= \\pm 2, \\pm \\frac{1}{2} i\'

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'Proving the equation A=B in 3 ways\n\nThe equation A=B may have conditions attached to it, but basically it is an identity. There are three styles of proving the equation as follows:\n\n(1) Comparing both sides, transforming the more complex side to derive the simpler side.\n\nA=⋯⋯ Transformation ⋯⋯ = B\n(or B =⋯⋯ Transformation ⋯⋯ = A)\n\nTherefore A = B\n\n(2) Transforming both sides separately to obtain the same expression C.\n\nA=⋯⋯ Transformation ⋯⋯ = C\n\nB =⋯⋯ Transformation ⋯⋯ = C\n\nTherefore A = B\n\n(3) Transforming A - B to show A - B = 0.\n\nA - B =⋯⋯ Transformation ⋯⋯ = 0\n\nTherefore A = B'

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'Let TR be real numbers, and let the equation x ^ {3}-2 x ^ {2} + ax + b = 0 have x = 2 + i as a root. Find the values of a, b and all the roots of the equation.'

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'Find the range of values for the constant aa when the equation aleft(x2x+1right)=1+2x2x2a\\left(x^{2}-x+1\\right)=1+2 x-2 x^{2} has real solutions.'

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'Find the equations of the following lines:\n(1) Passing through the point (3, 0) with a slope of 2\n(2) Passing through the point (-1, 4) with a slope of -3\n(3) Passing through the point (3, 2) and perpendicular to the x-axis\n(4) Passing through the point (1, -2) and parallel to the x-axis'

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'The function y=4x+4x2x+121xy=4^{x}+4^{-x}-2^{x+1}-2^{1-x} takes the minimum value bb at x=ax=a. Find the value of a+b|a+b|.'

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'46 (1) 6x^2 + x - 12 = 0 (2) 4x^2 - 12x + 7 = 0 (3) 3x^2 - 4x + 3 = 0'

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'Determine the values of constants a, b, and c such that the following equation is an identity in x: (1) (a+b-3) x^{2} + (2a-b) x + 3b - c = 0'

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'Investigate the conditions for a cubic equation to have repeated roots'

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'Substitute the third equation into the first equation to obtain the following equation: a^{2} + (-7a + 25)^{2} = 25. Simplifying, we get the following quadratic equation: a^{2} - 7a + 12 = 0. Therefore, we get the following solutions: (a - 3)(a - 4) = 0, so a = 3, 4. Substituting these values into the third equation, we get the following: when a = 3, b = 4; when a = 4, b = -3. Thus, the equations of the tangents are as follows: 3x + 4y = 25, 4x - 3y = 25'

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'Basic 43: Value of two solutions of a symmetric equation'

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'When the maximum value of the function f(x) = a x^3 + 3 a x^2 + b(-1 ≤ x ≤ 2) is 10, and the minimum value is -10, find the values of constants a, b.'

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'When S_{2}=2 S_{1}, \\frac{1}{6}(m+3)^{3}=9, that is (m+3)^{3}=54. Since m is a real number, m=-3+3 \\sqrt[3]{2}'

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'When k=0, there is one real solution; when k=-1, there is a repeated root; when -1<k<0 or 0<k, there are two distinct real solutions; when k<-1, there are two distinct imaginary solutions.'

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'Basic 42: Sum and product of the two solutions to a quadratic equation'

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'Let k be a constant. Determine the types of solutions of the equation kx^2 + 4x - 4 = 0.'

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'Find the values of m such that the lines l1 and l2 are parallel or perpendicular.'

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'Find the number of distinct real solutions to the following cubic equations:\n(1) -x^{3}+3x^{2}-1=0\n(2) x^{3}-3x^{2}+3x+1=0'

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'Find the values of x and y such that (k+2)x-(1-k)y-k-5=0 holds for any value of k.'

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'Solve the following equations and inequalities.'

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'The condition for having only imaginary solutions is'

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'Find the solutions of the quadratic equation x^2=k. Here, k is any real number.'

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'Let the first term of a geometric sequence, with a common ratio r, be a, with the second term being 4 and the sum of the terms from the first to the third being 21. Therefore, we have a= and common ratio r=.'

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"Considering q, r as real numbers, let's look at the polynomial P(x)=x^{3}-2 x^{2}+q x+2 r. If the solutions of the 333rd equation P(x)=0 are -2 and two natural numbers \\( \\alpha, \eta(\\alpha<\eta) \\), find \ \\alpha, \eta \ and \ q, r \. [Similar to center test]"

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'Solve the following equations and inequalities.'

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'The solution to the example 3x^2+3x+1=0 is'

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'Development 54: Range of existence of solutions of a quadratic equation (2)'

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'Solve the following equations:'

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'A and B solved the same quadratic equation in terms of x. A mistakenly obtained the coefficient of x² as 26-2/3, with a solution of 1. B mistakenly obtained the constant term as -1/3, with a solution of 1/2. Find the solutions to the original correct quadratic equation.'

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'Find the range of values for the constant aa when the cubic equation x33a2x+4a=0x^{3}-3 a^{2} x+4 a=0 has three distinct real roots.'

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'Consider the quadratic equation x2+(m+1)x+m1=0x^{2}+(m+1)x+m-1=0.'

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'Standard 65: Determining coefficients of higher order equations (2) - Conditions for imaginary solutions'

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'Find the value of the constant a a when the cubic equation x3(a+2)x+2(a2)=0 x^{3}-(a+2) x+2(a-2)=0 has a double root.'

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'Standard 49: Range of existence of solutions of a quadratic equation (1)'

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'Find the first term and common ratio of a geometric sequence such that the sum from the 3rd term to the 5th term is -63 and the sum from the 1st term to the 3rd term is -7.'

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'Basic 41: Conditions for a quadratic equation to have complex roots, repeated roots'

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'Let the three solutions of the cubic equation x32x+1=0 x^{3}-2 x+1=0 be alpha,\eta,gamma \\alpha, \eta, \\gamma . Find the value of the following expressions.'

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'Extension Study - Development 192 The number of real solutions of a cubic equation (3) Utilizing extreme values'

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'58 divided by, in order of remainders (1) x^2+2x-6, -10 (2) x^2-5x+4, 3'

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'Find the general term of the sequence \ \\left\\{a_{n}\\right\\} \ that represents the sum \ S_{n} \ from the first term to the nth term.'

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"When the function f(x) represented by a polynomial satisfies f'(x)-f(x)=x²+1, f(x) is a degree function, and f(x)= ."

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'Standard 40: Discrimination of types of solutions of quadratic equations (2)'

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'By rearranging the equation x-2y+6=0, we can express it as y=\\frac{1}{2}x+3, thus representing a line with a slope of \\frac{1}{2} and a y-intercept of 3.'

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"Determine the range of the constant 'm' so that the quadratic equation x2+2(m1)x+2m25m3=0x^{2}+2(m-1)x+2m^{2}-5m-3=0 satisfies the following conditions: (1) has two positive roots, (2) has two distinct negative roots, (3) has roots of different signs."

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'Expansion 66: Relationship between the solutions of a cubic equation and its coefficients'

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'Chapter 3 High Degree Equations - 49\nEX Let a, b, c, d be real constants. The polynomial P(x) = ax^{3} + bx^{2} + cx + d leaves a remainder of 29 when divided by x^{2}-1 and a remainder of 3x + 4 when divided by x^{2}+1. In this case, a=->, b=-1, c=d=√. [Shonan University]\nLet Q(x) be the quotient when P(x) is divided by x^{2}-1, and let R(x) be the quotient when P(x) is divided by x^{2}+1. Then, the following equations hold.\n\nP(x) = (x+1)(x-1)Q(x) + x + 2\nP(x) = (x^{2}+1)R(x) + 3x + 4\nP(1) = 3, P(-1) = 1, P(i) = 4 + 3i'

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'Chapter 7 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions'

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'Find the equation of the line passing through two different points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2).'

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'Find the sum and product of the two roots of the following quadratic equations.'

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'Find two numbers whose sum is 2 and product is -4.'

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'Find the range of values for the constant aa when the cubic equation x33a2x+4a=0x^{3}-3a^{2}x+4a=0 has three distinct real roots.'

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'Developing 68: Conditions for a cubic equation to have three distinct real roots'

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'Prove that the equation a^{2}+b^{2}=c^{2}-2 a b holds true when a+b+c=0.'

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'When the equation \\(a\\left(x^{2}-x+1\\right)=1+2x-2x^{2}\\) has real solutions, find the range of values for the constant \a\.'

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'Regarding the underlined part g, last year the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism also conducted a subsidy grant solicitation aimed at promoting the adoption of next-generation vehicles. Choose the correct combination of the following statements X・Y regarding next-generation vehicles as either true or false.'

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'Choose the appropriate expression to represent the distance moved by block A with respect to block C, and provide the symbol.'

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'1 (1) \y=mx-2m+2 \\n(2) \u=\\frac{m-1}{m}, v=1-m \\n(3) \y=\\frac{1}{x-1}+1 \, Figure omitted'

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'Prove that the following equations have at least one real number solution in the given range.'

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'Let a be a real number, find the number of real solutions of the equation f(g(x))+f(x)-|f(g(x))-f(x)|=a.'

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'Please remove the denominator and solve the following equation:\n(2x-3)(x^{2}-3x+1)=0'

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'Find a fifth-degree polynomial f(x) that satisfies conditions (A) and (B) simultaneously.'

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'Let a, b be real numbers, and suppose that the cubic equation x^3+ax^2+bx+1=0 has an imaginary root α. Show that the conjugate complex number of α, denoted by α¯, is also a root of this equation. Express the third root β and the coefficients a, b in terms of α and α¯.'

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'Find the velocity, acceleration, position, and distance traveled (linear motion).'

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'Prove that when a > 1, the two solutions of the equation a x^2 − 2 x + a = 0 (1) are denoted as α and β, and the two solutions of the equation x^2 − 2 a x + 1 = 0 (2) are denoted as γ and δ. Let A(α), B(β), C(γ), D(δ) and prove that the four points A, B, C, D lie on a common circle.'

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'Fundamentals 8: Algebraic solutions for irrational equations and inequalities'

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'For a point (a,b)(a, b) on the hyperbola x24y2=4x^{2}-4 y^{2}=4 with a tangent line having a slope mm, answer the following questions. Assume b0b \neq 0.\n(1) Find the relationship between a,b,ma, b, m.\n(2) Let the distance between a point on this hyperbola and the line y=2xy=2x be denoted as dd. Find the minimum value of dd. Also, determine the coordinates of the point on the curve that provides the minimum value of dd.[Kanagawa University]'

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'What geometric shape is formed by the set of points that satisfy the following equations?'

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'Solve the equation \ \\frac{1}{x} + \\frac{1}{x-1} + \\frac{1}{x-2} + \\frac{1}{x-3} = 0 \.'

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'20 (1) \ |\\alpha|^{2} \\n(2) Omitted (3) Maximum value when \ a=b \ is \ \\frac{1}{2} ; a=1, \\quad b=3 \ and minimum value is \ \\frac{3}{10} \'

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'Solve the following equations and inequalities.'

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'Let two complex numbers w and z (z ≠ 2) satisfy w = iz/(z-2).\n[Hirosaki University]\n(1) When point z moves on the circumference of a circle with radius 2 centered at the origin, what shape does point w trace out?\n(2) When point z moves on the imaginary axis, what shape does point w trace out?\n(3) When point w moves on the real axis, what shape does point z trace out?'

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'Radioactive substances like radium decrease in mass at a rate proportional to the mass at each instant. Express the mass x as a function of time t with the proportionality constant k (k > 0) and initial mass A. Additionally, for radium, it takes 1600 years for the mass to halve. Approximately what percentage of the initial amount is left after 800 years? Round to the nearest whole number.'

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'Solve the equation.\nFind the solution.'

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'Solve the inequality \ \\log _{2} 256 x > 3 \\log _{2 x} x \. Let \\\log _{2} x = a \.'

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'Number of real solutions of an equation'

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'Consider complex numbers z that satisfy conditions (A) and (B) simultaneously. (A) z + i/z is real (B) The imaginary part of z is positive. (1) Let |z|=r, express z in terms of r. (2) Find the z for which the imaginary part of z is maximum.'

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'Let a ≠ 0. For the function f(x) = 2ax - 5a^2, find the value of the constant a such that f^{-1}(x) and f(x) are equal.'

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'Assuming the existence of a sequence {a_{n}} and its sum from the first term to the nth term'

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'Solve the following quadratic equations:\n(1) x23x+2=0 x^{2}-3 x+2=0 \n(2) 2x23x35=0 2 x^{2}-3 x-35=0 \n(3) 12x2+16x3=0 12 x^{2}+16 x-3=0 \n(4) 14x219x3=0 14 x^{2}-19 x-3=0 \n(5) 5x23=0 5 x^{2}-3=0 \n(6) (2x+1)29=0 (2 x+1)^{2}-9=0 '

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'Prove the relationship between the roots and coefficients of the following quadratic equation. For a quadratic equation ax² + bx + c = 0, let the two roots be α and β. Then, α + β = -b/a and αβ = c/a.'

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'As a sprinter in the 100m race, Tarou decided to focus on (1) and figure out the best stride and pitch to improve his time.'

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'Solve the following quadratic equations.'

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'Find the range of values for the constant a that satisfy the given conditions for the two quadratic equations x2x+a=0x^{2}-x+a=0 and x2+2ax3a+4=0x^{2}+2ax-3a+4=0.'

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"To determine the range in which the solutions of a quadratic equation exist, let's consider the graph that satisfies the following conditions:"

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'Let a and p be constants. Find the real solutions of the following equations in x.'

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'Solve the following system of simultaneous equations.'

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'How many ways are there to divide 12 different books as follows?'

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'(Example) In the case of 2x + 3y = 33 (where x and y are natural numbers), using y ≥ 1, we have 2x = 3(11 - y) ≤ 30, hence 1 ≤ x ≤ 15.'

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'If the two distinct real solutions of the quadratic equation x2a2x4a+2=0x^{2}-a^{2}x-4a+2=0 are denoted as alpha\\alpha and \eta\eta, and satisfy 1<alpha<2<\eta1<\\alpha<2<\eta, determine the range of values of the constant aa.'

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'When the equation ax2+bx+1=0ax^{2}+bx+1=0 has two solutions 2,3-2,3, find the values of constants a,ba, b.'

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'For the quadratic equation \ x^{2}-a^{2} x-4 a+2=0 \ with two distinct real solutions \ \\alpha, \eta \ where \ 1 < \\alpha < 2 < \eta \, determine the range of values for the constant \ a \.'

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'Determine the number of real solutions of the quadratic equation 2x2+3x+k=02 x^{2}+3 x+k=0.'

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'Solve the following system of simultaneous equations.'

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'Chapter 1\nNumbers and Expressions\n23\nExample\n(1) Find the expression that when summed with 2x^2-3x+1 results in x^2+2x.'

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'What is the range of the constant a when one real solution of the quadratic equation 2x^{2}-3ax+a+1=0 is in the range 0<x<1 and the other real solution is in the range 4<x<6?'

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'Solve the following quadratic equations.'

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'What is the range of existence of the roots of a quadratic equation?'

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'Find the number of real solutions for the following quadratic equations.'

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'Given line segments of length a and b, find the positive solution to the quadratic equation x^{2}-a x-b^{2}=0 and draw a line segment with that length.'

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'Find the range of values for the constant a a such that the quadratic equation x2+axa2+a1=0 x^{2}+a x-a^{2}+a-1=0 has two distinct real solutions within the range 3<x<3 -3<x<3 .'

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'Determine the range of values for the constant a a when the quadratic equation x22ax+a+6=0 x^{2}-2 a x+a+6=0 satisfies the following conditions: (1) Has positive and negative roots. (2) Has two distinct negative roots.'

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'In all permutations formed by the 8 letters of YOKOHAMA, find the number of permutations that contain at least one of the sequences AO or OA.'

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'Transform the given mathematical expression into a different form.'

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'Chapter 2 Sets and Propositions\n(2) Solve the following equation\n\\[(p q+6)+(3 p+q) \\sqrt{2}=8+7 \\sqrt{2}\\]\nwhere p and q are rational numbers.'

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'How many ways are there for 4 men and 5 women to line up in a row with the following conditions? (1) All 4 men are adjacent (2) Men are not adjacent to each other'

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'Please state the converse, contrapositive, and inverse of the proposition.'

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'Determining coefficients from maximum and minimum values (3)'

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'Let PR denote all real numbers. Choose the appropriate term to fill in the square (∎) from below (ア)–(工). (1) x=2 is a ∎ for x^2-5x+6=0. (2) ac=bc is a ∎ for a=b. (3) a=b is a ∎ for a^2+b^2=2ab. (ア) Necessary and sufficient condition (イ) Necessary but not sufficient condition (ウ) Sufficient but not necessary condition (工) Neither necessary nor sufficient condition'

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'54 (2), (3); (2) maximum at x=2 is 7, minimum at x=0 is 3; (3) maximum at x=2 is 5, minimum at x=-1.5 is -13'

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'What is the range of values for kk for which the quadratic equations x2+x+k=0x^{2}+x+k=0, x2+kx+1=0x^{2}+k x+1=0 both have real number solutions?'

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'Given x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0, and 2x+y=8, find the maximum and minimum values of xy.'

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'Use the quadratic formula to solve the following 2nd-degree equations.'

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'Find the linear function based on the following conditions to maximize profit.\n\n(1) When x is 250, y is 300.\n(2) When x is 300, y is 250.\n(3) Also holds when x = 350, y = 200.\n\nFurthermore, using revenue xy and expenses 120y + 5000, let z be the profit and find the value of x that maximizes z and the maximum profit at that time.'

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'Determine the truth values of the following propositions.'

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'Solve the following equations.'

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'If one of the solutions of the quadratic equation x2+(a+4)x+a3=0 x^{2}+(a+4) x+a-3=0 is a a , find the other solution.'

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'(Example) 1) When 1/x + 1/y + 1/z = 1 (0 < x < y < z), we use 1/z < 1/y < 1/x to get 1 = 1/x + 1/y + 1/z < 3/x, hence x = 1,2.'

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'Solve the following inequality in terms of x. Where a is a constant. \\[ x^{2}-\\left(a^{2}+a\\right) x+a^{3} \\leqq 0 \\]'

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'Solve the following system of simultaneous equations.'

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'Applications of Quadratic Equations'

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'At a certain school, it was decided to completely drain the water from the pool for cleaning. However, it is assumed that a constant amount is drained per minute with a pump. Let the remaining volume of water in the pool after t minutes of drainage be V m³.'

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'Solve the following equations.'

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'Solve the following system of simultaneous equations.'

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'At a party with 5 participants, where each person prepares a gift and a drawing is held to distribute all gifts. The number of ways in which two specific people, A and B, receive the gifts they prepared, while the remaining three people receive gifts other than the ones they prepared is denoted by A. The number of ways in which only one person receives the gift they prepared is denoted by B.'

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'Basic Example 30 Number of Integer Solutions (Using Combinations with Repetition)'

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'Find the range of existence of solutions for a quadratic equation with x < 2 and x > 2.'

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'61 a=2, b=-5 or a=-2, b=3'

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'Solve the inequality for x. Here, a is a constant. \ x^{2}-3 a x+2 a^{2}+a-1>0 \'

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"Please provide 'Linear Diophantine Equations' and its page."

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'Find the coordinates of the two points of intersection of the two parabolas y=x^2-x+1 and y=-x^2-x+3.'

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'31 (1) \ x=6,-2 \\n(2) \ x \\leqq-5, \\quad \\frac{1}{5} \\leqq x \'

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'Find the largest 4-digit natural number that leaves a remainder of 2 when divided by 11 and a remainder of 5 when divided by 6.'

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'Solve equations and inequalities involving absolute value: (1) x=c|x|=c, (2) x<c|x|<c, (3) x>c|x|>c'

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'Consider the proposition p⇒q (where p is the hypothesis and q is the conclusion). Let P be the set of all elements satisfying condition p, and let Q be the set of all elements satisfying condition q. The proposition p⇒q being true is equivalent to P ⊆ Q. Please determine the truth value of this proposition.'

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'For the function f(x)=x2+2xa2+5f(x)=x^{2}+2x-a^{2}+5, find the range of values of aa that satisfy the following conditions:'

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'Let a and b be real numbers, and consider the parabolas represented by the functions y=4 x^{2}-8 x+5 and y=-2(x+a)^{2}+b. Find the values of the constants a and b when the vertices of these parabolas coincide.'

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'When the quadratic equation x22mx+2(m+4)=0x^2 - 2mx + 2(m + 4) = 0 has equal roots, find the value of the constant mm and the equal roots at that time.'

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'Solve the following equations and inequalities.'

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'At x=3/2, the minimum value is 3/2, and there is no maximum value.'

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'Use the formula for solving a quadratic equation ax^{2}+bx+c=0 to solve the equation.'

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'Find the value of the constant k when the parabola y = x^2 + (2k-3)x-6k cuts a segment of length 5 from the x-axis.'

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'There is a lottery where three dice are rolled at once. There are multiple venues for the lottery, each with different winning conditions.'

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'Find the range of values for the constant m when the quadratic equation x^2 + 3x + m - 1 = 0 has no real solutions.'

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'For the quadratic equation x2+mx+9=0x^{2}+mx+9=0, find the range of values for the constant mm when it has the following:'

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'For example, there are many integer solutions to the equation x+y=10. Find any three integer solutions to this equation.'

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'Solve the equation x2+3x5=0x^{2}+3x-5=0.'

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'When the solutions of the quadratic equation x2+2mxm+2=0 x^{2}+2 m x-m+2=0 are as follows, find the range of the constant m m . (1) Having two distinct real solutions. (2) Having real solutions. (3) Having no real solutions.'

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"Chapter 5 Quadratic Equations and Quadratic Inequalities\nLet h meters be the height above the ground of a ball thrown directly upwards at a certain velocity x seconds after the launch. When the value of h is given by h=-5x^2+40x, at what range of x values is the ball's height between 35 meters above the ground and 65 meters above the ground?"

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'Find the values of \ a, b \ such that \ P=4 \ for the point \ x, y \ with values \\( (2, 1) \\).'

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'Solve the following equations. 1. Fundamental 86 - Solving quadratic equations using factorization. 2. Fundamental 87 - Solving quadratic equations using the formula for roots. 3. Fundamental 88 - Conditions for having real solutions (1)'

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'Solve the equation x^2+3x-4=0.'

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'Determine the range of values for the constant aa so that the quadratic equation x2(a4)x+a1=0x^{2}-(a-4)x+a-1=0 satisfies the following conditions: (1) has two distinct negative roots. (2) has a positive root and a negative root.'

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'24 (1) Inverse: If at least one of x, y is a negative number, then x+y=-3, False Converse: If x≥0 and y≥0, then x+y≠-3, Contrapositive: If x+y≠-3, then x≥0 and y≥0.'

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'2 (1) 5 expressions(2)(ア)2 expressions, constant term 2 y^{2} + 5 y - 12(1)2 expressions, constant term 6 x^{2} - 6 x - 12(ら)2 expressions, constant term -12'

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'When the roots of the quadratic equation x2+mx+9=0 x^{2}+m x+9=0 have the following characteristics, find the range of values for the constant m m .'

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'The condition for a graph to always be above the x-axis is that the graph is a concave down parabola and does not have any points of intersection with the x-axis. Therefore, the discriminant of the quadratic equation mx^2 + 3x + m = 0 is denoted as D.'

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'Solve the following equations and inequalities. (1) |(√14-2)x+2|=4 (2) 3|x-1|≤4 (3) x+|3x-2|=3'

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'Translate the given text into multiple languages.'

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'Find the value of the constant mm and the repeated root of the quadratic equation x22mx+2(m+4)=0x^{2}-2mx+2(m+4)=0 when it has repeated roots.'

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'When the quadratic equation x2+5x+7m=0x^{2}+5x+7-m=0 has two distinct real roots, find the range of values for the constant mm.'

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'For the function f(x) = x^2 - 2ax - a + 6 in mathematics I TR, the range of values of the constant a for which f(x) > 0 for all real numbers x is from A to T. Also, the range of values of a for which f(x) ≥ 0 always holds for -1 ≤ x ≤ 1 is from ウ to エ.'

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'In two inequalities, first replace > with = and then solve the quadratic equation. To solve the quadratic inequality x^2-6x+3>0, first solve the equation x^2-6x+3=0. Using the formula for roots, x=(-(-3) ± √((-3)^2-1*3))/1=3 ± √6.\n\nThe solution to x^2-6x+3>0 is to find the range of x values on the graph of y=x^2-6x+3 where y>0, which is x<3-√6, 3+√6<x.'

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'(2) The two inequalities x2+mx+m+2<0x^{2}+mx+m+2<0 have solutions'

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'At x=-1, the maximum value of 71(2) is 5, there is no minimum value.'

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'(1) Solve the equation 2 x^{2}+x-1=0 \\\\\\\n(2) Solve for x=-1, \\ \\frac{1}{2} \\\\\\\n(3) Given \\theta=60^{\\circ}, \\ 180^{\\circ} \\\\\\\n'

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'The classification of solutions of a quadratic equation can be determined by examining the sign of the discriminant D=b24ac D = b^{2} - 4ac .'

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'Find the range of constants a that satisfy the following conditions for the equations x^2+ax+a+3=0 (1) and x^2-2ax+8a=0 (2):'

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'Find the intersection point of the two lines 2x + 3y = 7 (1) and 4x + 11y = 19 (2), and the equation of the line passing through the point (5,4).'

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'Find the values of a,b,ca, b, c when the 3rd-degree function f(x)=x3+ax2+bx+cf(x)=x^{3}+a x^{2}+b x+c satisfies (x2)fprime(x)=3f(x)(x-2)f^{prime}(x)=3 f(x).'

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'Solve the following quadratic equations.'

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'(1) Find the solutions of the equation 2x^2 - 2√6x + 3 = 0.'

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'Chapter 1 Sequences'

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'Determine the number of solutions to the equation 4cos²x-2cosx-1=a within the range -π < x ≤ π.'

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'Find the value of a that satisfies the given equations.'

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'Prove that the equation ax+by+cz=0ax+by+cz=0 holds true when (2) fracxbc=fracyca=fraczab\\frac{x}{b-c}=\\frac{y}{c-a}=\\frac{z}{a-b}.'

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'Find the values of k for which x = -1, -4 and x = 1, 4 are solutions.'

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'The solutions to the cubic equation x3+ax221x+b=0x^{3}+a x^{2}-21 x+b=0 are 1,3,c1,3, c. Find the values of constants aa, b,cb, c.'

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'Find the value of a that satisfies the following equation. a=2'

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'Regarding the lines l: 2x - y + 3 = 0, m: 3x - 2y - 1 = 0, answer the following questions.'

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'Determine the range of the constant a so that the two quadratic equations 9x^{2}+6ax+4=0 (1) and x^{2}+2ax+3a=0 (2) satisfy the following conditions. (1) Both have complex roots (2) At least one has complex roots (3) Only (1) has complex roots'

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'When a = -1, x = 2, -1\nWhen a = 0, x = 0, 2\nWhen a = 8, x = -4, 2'

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'When the equation x2+y26kx+(12k2)y+46k216k+1=0x^{2}+y^{2}-6 k x+(12 k-2) y+46 k^{2}-16 k+1=0 represents a circle,'

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'Find the range of values for c so that the equation x^3-6x+c=0 has two distinct positive roots and one negative root.'

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'Determine the following for the sequence {\ \\left\\{a_{n}\\right\\} \} where the sum of the first \ n \ terms, denoted as {\ S_{n} \}, satisfies the relation {\ S_{n}=-2 a_{n}+4 n \}:\n(1) Find the first term {\ a_{1} \}.\n(2) Find the relation between {\ a_{n} \} and {\ a_{n+1} \}.\n(3) Find the general term of the sequence {\ \\left\\{a_{n}\\right\\} \}.'

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'Find all real numbers aa such that the cubic equation x3+(a+2)x24a=0x^{3}+(a+2)x^{2}-4a=0 has exactly 2 real roots.'

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'Use the formula for solving the quadratic equation ax^2 + bx + c = 0 to find the solutions.'

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'After reading the conversation between Hanako and Taro about the problem, answer the following question.'

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'Determine the values of constants a and b that satisfy the following conditions:\n(1) When x-1 is a factor of x^3-3x^2+a, the remainder is 2.\n(2) When 2x+1 is a factor of 2x^3-3x^2+ax+6, it divides evenly.\n(3) When x+2 divides x^3+ax^2-5x+b, the remainder is 8, and when x+1 is a factor.'

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'Transform the given text into multiple languages.'

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'Determine the value of the real number k so that the equation (1 + i)x^{2} + (k + i)x + 3 + 3ki = 0 has real solutions. Find these real solutions.'

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'The two numbers that sum to -2 and multiply to 3 are the solutions to the quadratic equation x^2 + 2x + 3 = 0.'

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'Find the value of the constant a such that the equation 2x^3 - (3a + 1)x^2 + 2ax + 4 has two distinct real roots.'

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'Solve the following system of equations.'

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'Chapter 2\nComplex Numbers and Equations\nShow that for the two solutions α, β of the quadratic equation 2x^2 + 4x + 3 = 0, the following holds:\n1. (α-1)(β-1)=9/2\n2. (α-1)^3 + (β-1)^3 = -10'

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'If the quadratic equation x2+4ax+8a220a+25=0x^{2}+4 a x+8 a^{2}-20 a+25=0 has real roots, then a=textconstanta=\\{ \\text{constant} \\} and the solutions are x=textconstantx=\\{ \\text{constant} \\}.'

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'Create a quadratic equation with the sum as \ p \ and the product as \ q \.'

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'Find the values of real numbers x, y that satisfy the following system of equations.'

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'For the quadratic equation x^2 - 2ax + a + 6 = 0, find the range of values for the constant a that satisfy the following conditions: (1) Having one solution greater than 1 and one solution less than 1. (2) All solutions are greater than or equal to 2.'

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'Create a quadratic equation with the roots α and β.'

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'Find the values of the constants p, q, and r such that the equation p x^2 + q y^2 + r z^2 = 12 holds for all real numbers x, y, z satisfying the system of equations 2x + y - 3z = 3 and 3x + 2y - z = 2.'

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'When the equation x4x3+ax2+bx+6=0 x^{4}-x^{3}+a x^{2}+b x+6=0 has roots at x=1,3 x=-1,3 , find the values of constants a,b a, b . Also, find the other roots in this case.'

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'The sum and product of the two roots of the quadratic equation x2+ax+b=0 x^{2}+a x+b=0 are the roots of the quadratic equation x2+bx+a=0 x^{2}+b x+a=0 . Determine the values of constants a,b a, b .'

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'The profit per day is (a x + 3 y) 10,000 yen. If we let ax + 3 y = l ....5), then (5) represents a straight line with a slope of -a/3 and a y-intercept of l/3.'

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"Let's consider the maximum and minimum values of -3x+y under the same conditions as A (let's call this C). If we express -3x+y=k, then y=3x+k。"

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'Let A be a polynomial. When x^6 - 6x^3 + 5x^2 - 4x + 10 is divided by A, the quotient is A and the remainder is 5x^2 - 4x + 1. Find the polynomial A.'

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'Determine the values of constants a, b, c, and d so that the following equations hold true for x:'

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'Find the range of values for the constant p such that the equation x^3-3p^2x+8p=0 has three distinct real solutions.'

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'For the quadratic equation in terms of x, 8x^2-4x-a=0, with two solutions being sin θ and cos θ, find the value of the constant a and the 2 solutions of the equation. [Similar to Keio University] From the relationship between the solutions of the quadratic equation and the coefficients, sin θ+cos θ=-\\frac{-4}{8}=\\frac{1}{2}, sin θ cos θ=-\\frac{a}{8}. Squaring both sides of (1) gives sin^2 θ+2sin θ cos θ+cos^2 θ=\\frac{1}{4}, hence 1+2sin θ cos θ=\\frac{1}{4}, which implies sin θ cos θ=-\\frac{3}{8}. Substituting this into (2) gives -\\frac{a}{8}=-\\frac{3}{8}, thus a=3. Therefore, the given quadratic equation is 8x^2-4x-3=0. Solving this equation, the two solutions are x=(1±√7)/4.'

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'Basic Column Question 18 Determining the Coefficients of an Identity'

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'Use recurrence relation to find the general term of the sequence.'

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'Given the quadratic equation 3x22x4=03 x^{2}-2 x-4=0 with two roots alpha,\eta\\alpha, \eta, find the value of the following expressions.'

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'The cubic curve y = ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d touches the x-axis at x = 2 and the equation of the tangent line at the origin is y = -2x. Find the values of the constants a, b, c, and d.'

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'When (x + y) / 2 = (y + z) / 5 = (z + x) / 7 (not equal to 0), find the value of (xy + yz + zx) / (x^2 + y^2 + z^2).'

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'The quartic equation x^4+ax^3+7x^2+bx+26=0 has two common roots with the quadratic equation x^2+2x+2=0 and the sum of the common roots is 37. [Tokushima Bunri University] (1) Find the values of the real constants a, b. (2) Find the remaining roots of the quartic equation.'

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'Since this line passes through the point (2, -4), -4 = 2(a-1) • 2 - a^2. Simplifying, we get a^2 - 4a = 0. Therefore, a(a-4) = 0, which means a = 0, 4. Hence, the equation of the tangent line we seek is y = -2x when a = 0, and y = 6x - 16 when a = 4.'

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'Find the range of possible values for x given that x, y, z are real numbers satisfying x+y+z=0 and x^2-x-1=yz. Determine the maximum and minimum values of x^3+y^3+z^3 and the corresponding values of x.'

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'(3) For a geometric sequence where the first term a and common ratio r are both real numbers, if the sum from the first term to the nth term is Sn, and when Sn=3 and Sn=27. Find the values of a, r.'

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'In the mathematics \ \\mathbb{I} \ EX\\nLet the two solutions of the quadratic equation \\( 2 x^{2}-2(2 a-1) x-a=0 \\) be \ \\sin \\theta, \\cos \\theta \. Find the positive constant \ a \ and the values of \ \\sin \\theta, \\cos \\theta \. Given that \ 0 \\leqq \\theta \\leqq \\pi \.'

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'(1) x214x+45=0 x^{2}-14 x+45=0 '

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'Let a be a constant. Prove that at least one of the two quadratic equations x^{2}+2ax+3a=0 and 3x^{2}-2(a-3)x+(a-3)=0 has real roots.'

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'Regardless of the constant a, the circle C1 passes through the fixed point A. Find the coordinates of this fixed point A.'

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'Example 76: Equation of a line passing through a fixed point'

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'Question 77'

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'Determine the types of solutions for the following quadratic equations:'

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'Solve the system of equations x^2-3xy+y^2=19, x+y=2.'

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'When the equation x2+y2+6px2py+28p+6=0 x^{2}+y^{2}+6 p x-2 p y+28 p+6=0 represents a circle, find the range of values for the constant p p .'

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'For different numbers a, b, if the sequence √3, a, b is an arithmetic sequence, and the sequence a, √3, b is a geometric sequence, then a = square root of 3, and the common ratio of the geometric sequence is -3.'

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'Find the solutions of the following equations. (1) x=1,y=1x=-1, y=1 (2) x=frac12,quady=2x=\\frac{1}{2}, \\quad y=2'

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'The coordinates of the intersection points are determined by the solutions of the following 3 sets of simultaneous equations: (1) y=x²-4 and y=x-2 (2) y=x²-4 and y=-1/2 x-7/2 (3) y=x-2 and y=-1/2 x-7/2. Find the intersection points in (3) and calculate the area S of that region.'

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'Determine the types of solutions for the following quadratic equations. Here, a is a constant.'

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'When having a repeated root (i.e. α=β), because α=β, then α=β, so a_{n+2}-αa_{n+1}=α(a_{n+1}-αa_{n})'

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'Translate the given text into multiple languages.'

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'If one of the solutions of the cubic equation x^3 + ax^2 + bx + 10 = 0 is x = 2 + i, find the values of the real constants a, b and the other solution.'

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'Solve the following equations.'

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'Let the three solutions of the cubic equation be α, β, and γ. Then, create another cubic equation with solutions α+β, β+γ, and γ+α. Assume the coefficient of x^3 to be 1.'

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'In mathematics, the part where y>0 of the curve y=\\frac{x^{2}}{4} and the line y=2 x+a have two distinct points of intersection in the range x>0.'

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'For the sequence defined by {an}, where a1=-1 and an+1 = an^2 + 2nan - 2 (n=1,2,3,...), infer the general term an and prove its correctness using mathematical induction.'

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'Find the equations of the following lines.'

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'When dividing a polynomial P(x) by x-2, the remainder is 3, and by x+3, the remainder is -7. Find the remainder when P(x) is divided by (x-2)(x+3).'

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'Find the solutions of the equation (2)frac12x2frac23x+frac56=0(2) \\frac{1}{2} x^2 - \\frac{2}{3} x + \\frac{5}{6} = 0.'

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"When this line passes through point A(0, a), in the graph of the cubic function, different tangents correspond to different points of tangency. Therefore, when the equation of t has three distinct real solutions, three tangents can be drawn from point A to the curve. Now, if we define h(t)=2t^3-9t^2+7+a, then h'(t)=6t^2-18t=6t(t-3). The table for the increase and decrease of h(t) is as follows."

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'Solve the system of equations {\\\left\\{\egin{\overlineray}{l}\\cos x-\\sin y=1 \\\\ \\cos y+\\sin x=-\\sqrt{3}\\end{\overlineray}\\right.\}. Given that {\0 \\leqq x \\leqq 2 \\pi, 0 \\leqq y \\leqq 2 \\pi\}.'

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'Choose one that fits in the blank from (0) to 3.'

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'Let α and β be the two roots of the quadratic equation x^2 + 3x + 4 = 0, then create a quadratic equation with roots α^2 and β^2'

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'When only producing product Q (without producing product P), at (x, y) = (0,52). The profit ax + 3y reaches its maximum only when the slope equals -5/3. It reaches the maximum value only when -5/3 < -a / 3 < 0 and -5/3.5/3.5/3 takes place. When -5/3 < -a / 3 < 0, the maximum value of profit is 156 million yen (a = 0, y = 52).'

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'A line passing through point A(-1,0) with slope a is denoted by l. The parabola y=1/2*x^2 intersects the line l at two different points P and Q. (1) Find the range of values for the slope a. (2) Express the coordinates of the midpoint R of line segment PQ in terms of a. (3) Plot the locus of point R on the xy plane.'

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'When the cubic equation x312x+k=0x^{3}-12 x+k=0 has three real solutions alpha,\eta,gamma(alpha<\eta<gamma)\\alpha, \eta, \\gamma(\\alpha<\eta<\\gamma), answer the following questions.\n(1) Find the range of values for the constant kk.\n(2) Find the range of values for alpha,\eta,gamma\\alpha, \eta, \\gamma.'

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'When the polynomial P(x) is divided by x-2, the remainder is 13, and when divided by (x+1)(x+2), the remainder is -10x-3. In this case, find the remainders when P(x) is divided by (x+1)(x-2)(x+2) and (x-2)(x+2) respectively.'

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'Let k be a constant. Determine the number of distinct real solutions of the cubic equation x33x29x+k=0x^{3}-3x^{2}-9x+k=0.'

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'Determine the values of the constants a and b that satisfy the following conditions.'

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'Prove that at least one of the two quadratic equations has real roots: x2+2ax+3a=0 x^2 + 2ax + 3a = 0 , 3x22(a3)x+(a3)=0 3x^2 - 2(a-3)x + (a-3) = 0 .'

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'The profit maximizes only when the slope of the line (ax + 3y) at (50, 20) satisfies -5/2 < -a/3 < -3/4. Therefore, a should lie between 9/4 and 15/2.'

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'Let the two roots of the quadratic equation x25x+9=0x^{2}-5 x+9=0 be alpha,\eta\\alpha, \eta, then form a quadratic equation with solutions as the two numbers alpha+\eta,alpha\eta\\alpha+\eta, \\alpha \eta.'

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'Let a and b be constants. The function f(x) = x^3 - 9x^2 + ax + b has a local extremum at x = 1, and the equation f(x) = 0 has one positive and one negative real root. Find the values of a and b.'

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'At time 0, two particles are located at vertex A of triangle ABC. These particles move independently, with each moving to an adjacent vertex with equal probability every 1 second. Let n be a natural number, and let pn be the probability that these two particles are at the same point after n seconds from time 0. (1) Find pn. (2) Express pn+1 in terms of pn. (3) Express pn in terms of n. [Similar to Kyoto University]'

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'Find the general term of the sequence {an} determined by the following conditions.'

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'Find the values of constants a and b. When one of the solutions of the quadratic equation x^2+ax+b=0 is x=2-3i, find the values of a and b. Also, find the other solution of this equation.'

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'Let x, y, z be real numbers satisfying y+z=1 and x^2+y^2+z^2=1.\n(1) Express yz in terms of x. Also, find the range of values for x.\n(2) Express x^3+y^3+z^3 as a function of x, and determine the maximum and minimum values, as well as the corresponding x value.'

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'When (x, y) ≠ (50, 20), the profit does not reach its maximum. Consider the condition. Pay attention to the slopes of lines (2), (3), (5).'

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'Find the equation of the line passing through the point (2,1) with a slope of −\\frac{1}{2}.'

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'Solving Triangular Inequalities and Equations (Quadratic Equations)'

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'Find the equations of the following lines.'

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'Find all the values of (x,y)(x, y) that satisfy the equation kx2+y2+kx3(10k+3)=0k x^{2}+y^{2}+k x-3(10 k+3)=0 for all values of kk.'

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'To ensure that the equation (1+i)x2+(ki)x(k1+2i)=0(1+i)x^{2}+(k-i)x-(k-1+2i)=0 has real solutions, determine the value of the real number kk.'

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'Solve the following equations and inequalities for 0 ≤ θ < 2π:'

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'When the two solutions are represented by sinθ and cosθ respectively, find the value of k and determine the two solutions.'

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'Chapter 1 Equations and Proofs'

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'Find the values of real numbers x and y that satisfy the equation (2+i)x - (1-3i)y + (5+6i) = 0.'

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'Find the first term and common difference of an arithmetic sequence where the sum of the first 10 terms is 100 and the sum of the first 20 terms is 350. Also, find the sum of terms 21 to 30 in this sequence.'

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'Find the positive constant a and the values of sin θ, cos θ that are the two solutions of the quadratic equation 2x^2 - 2(2a-1)x - a = 0. Here, 0 ≤ θ ≤ π.'

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'Solve the following equation and inequality.'

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'Let there be a sequence of positive numbers a_{1}, a_{2}, \\cdots \\cdots, a_{n}, \\cdots \\cdots, satisfying the recurrence relation \\[\\sqrt{2} a_{n}{ }^{5}=a_{n-1}^{6}(n=2,3,4, \\cdots \\cdots)\\]. In this case, express a_{n} in terms of a_{1} and n.[Central University]'

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'Let the quadratic equation 2x^{2} + 4x + 3 = 0 have two solutions α and β. Find the following values:\n(1) (α-1)(β-1)\n(2) (α-1)^{3} + (β-1)^{3}\n[Similar to Keio University]'

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'Two particles are located at vertex A of triangle ABC at time 0. These particles move independently, with each moving to an adjacent vertex with equal probability every second. Let n be a natural number, and let pn be the probability that these two particles are at the same point after n seconds from time 0.'

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'Find the nth term'

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'Find the sum and product of the two solutions of the following quadratic equations:'

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'Basic example 632 with a condition of repeated roots\nDetermine the value of the real constant a such that the 3rd degree equation x^{3}+(a-1)x^{2}+(4-a)x-4=0 has a double root.'

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'Solve the following system of equations.'

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'Let EX be 0 and a non-zero constant, and i be the imaginary unit. Suppose there exists a real number x=α that satisfies the equation x^{2}+(3+2 i) x+k(2+i)^{2}=0, find (1) the values of k and α. (2) Find all complex numbers that satisfy this equation.'

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'Find the general term of the following sequences'

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'The equation x^4+ax^3+7x^2+bx+26=0 has two common solutions, one of which is a solution to the quadratic equation x^2+2x+2=0.'

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"Dividing the polynomial P(x) by x-2 results in a remainder of 13, and dividing by (x+1)(x+2) results in a remainder of -10x-3. Let's divide P(x) by (x+1)(x-2)(x+2), with the quotient being Q_1(x) and the remainder being ax^2+bx+c. Then, the following equation holds: P(x)=(x+1)(x-2)(x+2)Q_1(x)+ax^2+bx+c. Since the remainder of P(x) divided by x-2 is 13, we have P(2)=13....(2). Furthermore, dividing P(x) by (x+1)(x+2) gives the quotient Q_2(x) and a remainder of -10x-3."

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'If the two solutions of the quadratic equation ax^2+bx+c=0 are α and β, then what are α+β and αβ equal to?'

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'Find the general term of the sequence {an} determined by the following conditions.'

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'Find the values of θ that satisfy the equation cos 3θ - cos 2θ + cos θ = 0 for 0 ≤ θ < 2π.'

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'Find the conditions for PR simultaneous equations 3x - 2y + 4 = 0, ax + 3y + c = 0 to have:\n(1) a unique solution\n(2) no solution\n(3) infinitely many solutions'

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'Solve the following equation/inequality.'

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'When the equation 9x+2acdot3x+2a2+a6=09^{x}+2 a \\cdot 3^{x}+2 a^{2}+a-6=0 has one positive solution and one negative solution each, find the range of possible values for the constant aa.'

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'Find the values of constants a,b,ca, b, c such that ax2+by2+2cx9=0ax^{2} + by^{2} + 2cx - 9 = 0 holds for all (x,y)(x, y) satisfying 2xy3=02x - y - 3 = 0.'

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'Using the relationship between the solutions of a cubic equation and its coefficients to solve a cubic equation'

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'The remainder in the division on the right'

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'Solution to recursive sequences'

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"Let's consider the maximum and minimum values of x+3y under the same conditions as A (denoted as B). Considering x+3y=k, y=-(1/3)x+k/3."

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'Let α and β be the two roots of the quadratic equation x^{2}-x+8=0. Find the values of the following expressions. [Similar to Hannan]\n(1) α^{2}+β^{2}\n(2) α^{4}+β^{4}\n(3) \\frac{\eta}{1+α^{2}}+\\frac{\\α}{1+β^{2}}'

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'Solve the following equations: \n\\n\egin{\overlineray}{l}\n\\alpha^{2}+\\sqrt{3} \eta=\\sqrt{6} \\\\\n\eta^{2}+\\sqrt{3} \\alpha=\\sqrt{6}\n\\end{\overlineray}\n\'

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'(A) t^{2}-7 t+12=0'

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'Since the equation is x2=x2 x^{2}=|x|^{2} , the equation becomes (x1)(2x3)=0 (|x|-1)(2|x|-3)=0 , hence x=1,frac32 |x|=1, \\frac{3}{2} , that is x=pm1,pmfrac32 x= \\pm 1, \\pm \\frac{3}{2} . Therefore, 2x25x+3=0 2|x|^{2}-5|x|+3=0 .'

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'Find the number of real solutions of the equation (a3)x2+2(a+3)x+a+5=0(a-3)x^{2}+2(a+3)x+a+5=0. Also, if there is only one solution, find that solution.'

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'When 2 x+\\frac{1}{2 x}=\\sqrt{7}, find the values of the following expressions. (1) 4 x^{2}+\\frac{1}{4 x^{2}} (2) 8 x^{3}+\\frac{1}{8 x^{3}} (3) 64 x^{6}+\\frac{1}{64 x^{6}}'

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'Assuming the equation x2+(24k)x+k+1=0x^{2}+(2-4 k) x+k+1=0 has two positive equal roots, find the value of the constant kk.'

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'Solve the following quadratic equations.'

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'When two quadratic equations x2+6x+12k24=0,x2+(k+3)x+12=0 x^{2}+6 x+12 k-24=0, x^{2}+(k+3) x+12=0 have a unique real number as a common solution, find the value of the real constant k k and the common solution at that time.'

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'Determine the range of values for the constant aa such that the quadratic equation 2x2ax+a1=02 x^{2} - a x + a - 1 = 0 has two distinct real roots within the range 1<x<1-1<x<1.'

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'Solve the following equations.'

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'Consider the following problem: For a>1, is a+1/2>3/2 true? If true, then what is the minimum value of f(a+1)=-2(a+1)^2+6(a+1)+1=-2a^2+2a+5?'

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'When k=0, the common solution is x=0; when k=\x0crac{5}{22}, the common solution is x=-\x0crac{1}{2}'

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'(3) \ \\left\\{\egin{\overlineray}{l}2 x+4>x^{2} \\\\ x^{2}>x+2\\end{\overlineray}\\right. \'

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'Find the length of the line segment that the graph of the quadratic function y=-2x^{2}-3x+3 cuts from the x-axis.'

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'Let k be a constant. Determine the number of distinct real solutions of the equation |x²+2x-3|+2x+k=0.'

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'One of the solutions is x=0, so f(0)=0 implies -a+1=0. Therefore, a=1. In this case, the equation becomes x^{2}+3x=0, which leads to x(x+3)=0. Hence, the solutions are x=-3,0, but they do not satisfy the condition. What is the range of values for a that we are looking for?'

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'Determine the value of the constant k such that the equations 2 x^{2}+k x+4=0 and x^{2}+x+k=0 have exactly one common real solution, and find this common solution.'

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'(1) If the solutions of the quadratic equation x2+ax+b=0 x^{2}+ax+b=0 are 2 and -4, find the values of the constants a,b a, b .'

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'Let α be one of the solutions of the quadratic equation x^2 + 4x - 1 = 0, then α-1/α= A, and α^3-1/α^3= B.'

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'Assume a, b, c are all positive. Starting from a>0, the graph of y=a x^{2}+b x+c is a concave parabola, for x<p and for sufficiently large |x|, a x^{2}+b x+c>0 holds. Similarly, for x<p and for sufficiently large |x|, b x^{2}+c x+a>0, and c x^{2}+a x+b>0. Therefore, there exist negative numbers x with sufficiently large absolute values that are in I but not in J, which contradicts I=J. Hence, at least one of a, b, c is less than or equal to 0. Combining this with (1), at least one of a, b, c is zero.'

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'Solve the following equations:'

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'From [1], [2], when the equation |(x-2)(x-4)|=a x-5 a+\x0crac{1}{2} has 4 distinct real roots, what is the range of values for a?'

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'Let a be a constant. Find the number of real solutions to the equation (a-3)x^2 + 2(a+3)x + a+5 = 0. Also, if there is one solution, find that solution.'

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'Find the range of values for the constant aa such that the equation x2+(a+2)xa+1=0x^{2}+(a+2)x-a+1=0 has at least one real solution in the range 2<x<0-2<x<0.'

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'When one of the solutions of the quadratic equation x25x+a+5=0x^{2}-5x+a+5=0 is x=a+1x=a+1, find the value of the constant aa and the other solution.'

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'Solve the equation ||x-2|-4|=3x.'

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'68 (1) x = -1, 1/3 (2) x = -4 ± √6/3 (3) x = 1 - √3 (4) x = ±1, ±3/2'

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'Translate the given text into multiple languages.'

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'Simplify to get 4 sin^2(θ) - (2+2√2) sin(θ) + √2 < 0 Let sin(θ) = t, then when 0° ≤ θ ≤ 180°, 0 ≤ t ≤ 1. The inequality becomes 4t^2 - (2 + 2√2)t + √2 < 0, hence (2t - 1)(2t - √2) < 0, so 1/2 < t < √2/2 (1). The common range is 1/2 < t < √2/2, so, 1/2 < sin(θ) < √2/2. Solving this yields 30° < θ < 45°, 135° < θ < 150°.'

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'Let EX 90 be a constant. Find the range of values of a when the equation |(x-2)(x-4)|=a x-5 a+1/2 has four distinct real number solutions.'

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'Solve the following equations: (1) 0.5x2frac32x+10=0-0.5 x^{2}-\\frac{3}{2} x+10=0 (2) sqrt2x25x+2sqrt2=0\\sqrt{2} x^{2}-5 x+2 \\sqrt{2}=0 (3) 3(x+1)2+5(x+1)2=03(x+1)^{2}+5(x+1)-2=0 (4) x2+x+x1=5x^{2}+x+|x-1|=5'

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'Let k be a constant. Determine the number of distinct real number solutions of the equation |x²-x-2|=2x+k.'

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'Find the quadratic function that satisfies the following conditions: (2) intersects the x-axis at points (-1,0) and (2,0), and passes through the point (3,12).'

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'Let a be a constant. For -1 ≤ x ≤ 1, consider the function f(x)=x2+2(a−1)x and answer the following question: (1) Find the minimum value.'

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'Find the range of values for the constant a a such that the equation x2+(a+2)xa+1=0 x^{2}+(a+2) x-a+1=0 has at least one real solution in the interval 2<x<0 -2<x<0 .'

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'The following relationships hold.'

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'For the two inequalities x2(2a+3)x+a2+3a<0x^{2}-(2a+3)x+a^{2}+3a<0 and x2+3x4a2+6a<0x^{2}+3x-4a^{2}+6a<0, answer the following 9 questions. Where aa is a constant with 0<a<40<a<4.'

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'Find the number of real solutions to the equations.'

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'Solve the following equations.'

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'Find the general solution of the quadratic equation by equivalent transformations without using α.'

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'Please indicate the first occurrence page of the following terms. ①General form (quadratic equation) ②Double root ③Gauss symbol'

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'52 (1) a=-1, b=3 (2) a=-2, b=3'

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'Determine the value of the constant k such that the equations x^{2}-(k-3)x+5k=0 and x^{2}+(k-2)x-5k=0 have only one common solution, and find that common solution.'

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'When one of the solutions of the equation x25x+a+5=0 x^{2}-5x+a+5=0 is x=a+1 x=a+1 , find the value of the constant a a and the other solution.'

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'Prove that there do not exist 5 distinct real numbers that simultaneously satisfy both propositions (A) and (B):\n(A) Among the 5 numbers, choosing any one of them will result in the sum of the remaining 4 numbers being smaller than the chosen number.\n(B) Choose any 2 out of the 5 numbers. The larger of the two numbers is greater than twice the smaller number.'

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'When 33\na>3, x>−\\frac{b}{a−3}, when a=3 and b>0, the solution is all numbers, when a=3 and b=0, there is no solution, when a<3, x < −\\frac{b}{a−3}'

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'There is at least one natural number n such that n²-5n-6=0'

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'Question 2 Find the quadratic function passing through the intersection points of a parabola and a line. Let f(x)=x-1, g(x)=-x^2+5x-2, and let the line y=f(x) and the parabola y=g(x) have two common points A, B. Also, consider point P(2,-5).'

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'When p≤0≤q, f(x) takes the minimum value -1 at x=0, and the minimum value is p, so p=-1, which satisfies p≤0.'

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'Solve the following equations and inequalities: (1) |x-3|+|2x-3|=9 (2) ||x-2|-4|=3x (3) |2x-3| ≤ |3x+2| (4) 2|x+2|+|x-4|<15'

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'Problem of finding common solution: Find the common solution of the equations f(x)=0 and g(x)=0. Explained based on example 102.'

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'Translate the given text into multiple languages.'

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'If one of the solutions of the quadratic equation x^2 + (a+4)x + a - 3 = 0 is a, find the other solution.'

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'[2] when a=2'

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'(1) When a = 4, what is the value of x? (2) What is the range when a > 7?'

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'Determine the range of values for the constant kk so that the quadratic equation x2+(2k1)x+k23k1=0x^{2}+(2k-1)x+k^{2}-3k-1=0 has real solutions.'

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'When a≠0, the discriminant of the quadratic equation f(x)=0 is denoted by D.'

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'Solve the quadratic equation x26x+1=0x^{2}-6x+1=0 using the formula for finding roots, and determine the coordinates of the points of intersection with the xx-axis.'

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'(3) When the equation ax2+bx+1=0a x^{2}+b x+1=0 has two solutions 2,3-2,3, find the values of constants a,ba, b.'

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'Consider the function f(x)=x^{2}-2 a x+a^{2}+2 a-3, where 0 ≤ x ≤ 1.'

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'Determine the number of real solutions for the quadratic equation 2x2+3x+k=02 x^{2}+3 x+k=0.'

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'Let the two distinct real solutions of the quadratic equation x22(a1)x+(a2)2=0 x^{2}-2(a-1) x+(a-2)^{2}=0 be alpha,\eta \\alpha, \eta , such that 0<alpha<1<\eta<2 0< \\alpha<1< \eta<2 . Determine the range of values for the constant a a .'

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'Solve the following quadratic equations.'

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'Consider the quadratic equation x22ax+a+7=0 x^{2}-2 a x+a+7=0 . Find the following:\n(1) Range of values for a a to have two different solutions greater than 1\n(2) Range of values for a a to have two different solutions less than 1\n(3) Range of values for a a to have one solution greater than 1 and one solution less than 1'

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'Find the value of the constant m and the repeated root when the quadratic equation x^2 + (m-8)x + m = 0 has a repeated root. (Nagoya Shoka University)'

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'Find the values of x that satisfy x^2 - 2(x+1) = 2, where x + 1 ≥ 0, meaning x ≥ -1.'

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'When the equation (m+1)x² + 2(m-1)x + 2m-5 = 0 has exactly one real solution, find the value of the constant m.'

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'Solve the system of equations (1) and (2).'

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'Consider the quadratic equation x2a2x4a+2=0 x^{2}-a^{2} x-4 a+2=0 with two distinct real roots alpha,\eta \\alpha, \eta . Determine the range of values of the constant a a such that 1<alpha<2<\eta 1<\\alpha<2<\eta .'

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'(1) When one of the solutions to the quadratic equation x2+axa2=0 x^{2}+a x-a^{2}=0 is -2, find the value of the constant a a .'

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'Find the range of values for the constant aa when the quadratic equation x22(a4)x+2a=0x^{2}-2(a-4)x+2a=0 satisfies the following conditions:\n(1) It has two distinct roots, both greater than 2.\n(2) It has one root greater than 2 and one root smaller than 2.'

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'Determine the value of the constant a so that the two graphs have only one point in common.'

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'Solve the following quadratic equations.'

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'Determine the values of the constants a and b such that the solution of the quadratic inequality in x, ax^2+9x+2b>0, is 4<x<5.'

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'Solve (1) x-1=0 or x+2=0. (2) x=0 or x+1=0. (3) Find x= ±√(8/9).'

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'When a=-2, there is no solution; when a=2, the solution is all real numbers; when a≠±2, x=-1/(a+2). (1) When p=-1, x=1/2; p=1, x=-1/2; when p≠±1, x=-1/(p+1), -1/(p-1).'

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"Let's give it a try. \\\qquad\\nQuestion 1 Let \ a \ be a real number. Choose the correct option that fits in the following \\\square\ from the options below (1)–(4).\n(1) \ |a+1|=2 \ for \ a^{2}+2 a-3=0 \ means \\\square\ .\n(2) \ |a-1|<2 \ for \ a^{2}-1<0 \ means \\\square\ .\n(3) \ 1<|a|<2 \ for \ -1<a<2 \ means \\\square\ .\n(1) Necessary but not sufficient condition\n(2) Sufficient but not necessary condition\n(3) Necessary and sufficient condition\n(4) Neither necessary nor sufficient condition"

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'Find the number of real solutions for x in the quadratic equation x^{2}+(2 k-1) x-3 k^{2}+9 k-2=0.'

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'Solve the following 2nd degree equations. (1) \ x^{2}-3 x+2=0 \ (2) \ 2 x^{2}-3 x-35=0 \ (3) \ 12 x^{2}+16 x-3=0 \ (4) \ 14 x^{2}-19 x-3=0 \ (5) \ 5 x^{2}-3=0 \ (6) \\( (2 x+1)^{2}-9=0 \\)'

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'For f(x) = x² - 2ax - a + 6, find the range of values for the constant a such that f(x) ≥ 0 for all -1 ≤ x ≤ 1.'

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'(3) Let a = 1, changing the values of coefficients b, c, the equation f(x) = 0 has roots x = 1,3. In this case, b = cosine, c = ji. Next, fixing the values of coefficients b, c to b = sa, c = shi, when decreasing the value of a, consider the roots of the equation f(x) = 0. When 0 < a < 1, the equation f(x) = 0 has root. When a = 0, the equation f(x) = 0 is. When a < 0, the equation f(x) = 0 is. Answer the numbers corresponding to cosine, sa shi. Also, choose the most appropriate option from the following numbers (0-5): (0) has no real number solution, (1) has only one real number solution, which is positive, (2) has only one real number solution, which is negative, (3) has two different positive solutions, (4) has two different negative solutions, (5) has one positive solution and one negative solution'

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'Conditions for the existence range of solutions of quadratic equations'

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'Solve the following equations:'

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'Find the range of values for the constant a, so that the quadratic equation x2+axa2+a1=0x^{2}+ax-a^{2}+a-1=0 has two distinct real solutions within the interval 3<x<3-3<x<3.'

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'If one of the solutions of the quadratic equation x^{2} + (a+4)x + a - 3 = 0 is a, find the other solution.'

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'(4) \ \\left\\ulcorner x^{2}+y^{2}=1 \\Longrightarrow x+y=0 」\\right. \ is false.\n(Counterexample) \: x=0, y=1\\nAlso, \ \\left\\ulcorner x+y=0 \\Longrightarrow x^{2}+y^{2}=1 」\\right. \ is false as well.\n(Counterexample) \: x=0, y=0\\nTherefore, it is neither a necessary condition nor a sufficient condition.'

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'Practice 81 Determine the value of the constant k so that the equations x^2 - (k-3)x + 5k = 0, x^2 + (k-2)x - 5k = 0 have a unique common solution, and find that common solution.'

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'(2) Find the value of x when a = 1 (also find the value of x when a = -3)'

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'Find the range of values for the constant a such that the quadratic equation x^2+ax-a^2+a-1=0 has two distinct real solutions within the interval -3<x<3.'

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'When \ x+y+z=2\\sqrt{3}, xy+yz+zx=-3, xyz=-6\\sqrt{3} \, find the values of \ x^{2}+y^{2}+z^{2} \ and \ x^{3}+y^{3}+z^{3} \ respectively.'

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'The range of values for kk where the equations x2+x+k=0x^{2}+x+k=0 and x2+kx+1=0x^{2}+kx+1=0 both have real solutions is A square\\square, and the range of values for kk where at least one of the equations has real solutions is B square\\square.'

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'State the condition for the quadratic equation ax2+bx+c=0ax^2+bx+c=0 to have real roots.'

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'Answer whether (3) is correct or incorrect. If incorrect, indicate which transformation among (A)→(1), (1)→(2), (2)→(3) is incorrect.'

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'Find the solutions of x^2 + 3x - 20 = 0.'

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'For the two quadratic equations \ x^{2}-x+a=0, x^{2}+2 a x-3 a+4=0 \, find the range of values for the constant \ a \ that satisfy the following conditions:'

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'Find the range of values for the constant aa such that the quadratic equation x22ax+a+6=0x^{2}-2 a x+a+6=0 satisfies the following conditions: (1) It has one positive and one negative root. (2) It has two distinct negative roots.'

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'Solve the following system of equations:\n(1) x^2 - xy - 2y^2 = 0\n(2) x^2 + xy - y = 1'

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'Solve the following system of equations. 2a-b+c=8, a-2b-3c=-5, 3a+3b+2c=9'

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'What is the value of m when the two quadratic equations x^2 - (m + 1)x - m^2 = 0 and x^2 - 2mx - m = 0 have exactly one common solution? What is the common solution at that time?'

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'Determine the sign (positive, zero, negative) of the following values in the graph of the quadratic function y=ax^2+bx+c as shown on the right:\n(1) a\n(2) b\n(3) c\n(4) b^{2}-4ac\n(5) a+b+c\n(6) a-b+c'

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'Find the solutions for 12x^2 - 5x - 2 = 0.'

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'Determine the range of constants aa such that the quadratic equation x22axa+2=0x^{2}-2ax-a+2=0 has two distinct real roots within the range 0<x<30<x<3.'

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'Find the values of m such that the two quadratic equations have a common solution, and determine that common solution.'

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'In the equation x^{2}-2 x-8=0, one of the two real solutions is a solution to the equation x^{2}-4 a x+a^{2}+12=0. Find the value of a.'

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'For a quadratic equation 2x23ax+a+1=02 x^{2}-3 a x+a+1=0 with one real root in the range 0<x<10<x<1 and the other real root in the range 4<x<64<x<6. Determine the range of the constant aa.'

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'Quadratic trigonometric equations and inequalities'

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'Find the number of real solutions to the quadratic equation x2+(2k1)x3k2+9k2=0x^{2}+(2 k-1) x-3 k^{2}+9 k-2=0.'

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'Among the two real solutions of the equation x22x8=0x^{2}-2 x-8=0, the smaller solution will be one of the solutions of the equation 68x24ax+a2+12=068 x^{2}-4 a x+a^{2}+12=0 in terms of xx. Find the value of aa in this case.'

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'Find the range of values for the constant aa when the quadratic equation x2(a1)x+a+2=0x^{2}-(a-1) x+a+2=0 has the following types of solutions:\n(1) Two different positive solutions\n(2) One positive solution and one negative solution'

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'Let the two distinct real roots of the quadratic equation x2a2x4a+2=0 x^{2}-a^{2} x-4 a+2=0 be alpha,\eta \\alpha, \eta , and satisfy 1<alpha<2<\eta 1<\\alpha<2<\eta . Determine the range of values of the constant a a .'

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'When the equation ax2+bx+1=0 a x^{2}+b x+1=0 has two solutions 2,3 -2,3 , find the values of constants a a and b b .'

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"In Tarou's class, they are planning to set up an okonomiyaki food stall at the cultural festival and are considering the price per piece of okonomiyaki. The following table summarizes past sales data."

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'(2) Find the general solution when k = 0. Find the general solution when k = 5 / 22.'

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'Find the value of x that satisfies the equation `x^2 + 2(x+1) = 2` when `x < -1`.'

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'For (1) x + 3 y = k, the minimum value of x^2 + y^2 is 4. Find the value of the constant k.'

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'(1) can be expressed using "and" and "or" as: (x + 5) and (3y - 1) = 0; its negation can be expressed as: not (x + 5) and not (3y - 1) = 0. (2) can be expressed using "and" and "or" as: (x - 2)² + (y + 7)² = 0; its negation can be expressed as: not (x - 2)² and not (y + 7)² = 0.'

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'For the variable x, there are the following three quadratic equations: x^{2}+a x+a+3=0, x^{2}-2(a-2) x+a=0, x^{2}+4 x+a^{2}-a-2=0. Find the range of values of a for which these quadratic equations have no real solutions.'

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'Determine the value of the constant ④ as 81k, so that the equations x^2-(k-3)x+5k=0, x^2+(k-2)x-5k=0 have only one common solution in the equation PR, and find the common solution.'

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'Solve the quadratic equation 5x^2-4=0 and find the coordinates of its intersection points with the x-axis.'

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'(2) Find the values of constants p,q p, q when the two quadratic equations px2+qx+2=0,x2px+q=0 p x^{2}+q x+2=0, x^{2}-p x+q=0 both have x=1 x=1 as a root.'

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'114r cos(θ-π/6)=√3'

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'\ \\mathrm{AQ}=\\mathrm{BQ} \ therefore \ \\quad \\mathrm{AQ}^{2}=\\mathrm{BQ}^{2} \\nHence\n```\n\egin{array}{l}\n(x-1)^{2}+(0-2)^{2}+(z-3)^{2}=(x-3)^{2}+(0-2)^{2}+\\{z-(-1)\\}^{2} \\\\\n\\text { Therefore } \\quad-2x-6z+14=-6x+2z+14\n\\end{array}\n```\nSimplifying we get \ \\quad x-2z=0 \\n\ \\mathrm{AQ}=\\mathrm{CQ} \ therefore \ \\quad \\mathrm{AQ}^{2}=\\mathrm{CQ}^{2} \\nHence\n```\n\egin{array}{l}\n(x-1)^{2}+(0-2)^{2}+(z-3)^{2}=\\{x-(-1)\\}^{2}+(0-1)^{2}+(z-2)^{2} \\\\\n\\text { Therefore } \\quad-2x-6z+14=2x-4z+6\n\\end{array}\n```\nSimplifying we get \ \\quad 2x+z=4 \ \ \\qquad \\nBy solving (1), (2) we get \ x=\\frac{8}{5}, z=\\frac{4}{5} \\nTherefore, the coordinates of the required point are \\( \\left(\\frac{8}{5}, 0, \\frac{4}{5}\\right) \\)\n\ \\Leftrightarrow \\mathrm{AQ}=\\mathrm{BQ}=\\mathrm{CQ} \ therefore\n\ \\mathrm{AQ}=\\mathrm{BQ}, \\quad \\mathrm{AQ}=\\mathrm{CQ} \'

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'What shape is represented by the set of points z that satisfies the following equations?(1) |z|^2 = 2i(z-\x08ar{z}) (2) 3|z| = |z-4i|'

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'Find the conditions for which the equation \\( \\sqrt{x-1}-1=k(x-k)(k<0) \\) has no real solutions.'

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'For a polynomial f(x) f(x) , if f(a)=a f(a)=a holds, then prove that f(f(x))x f(f(x))-x is divisible by xa x-a .'

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'Summation of infinite series using a recurrence relation'

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'From the first statement, x = (t-1/2)^2 + 3/4, hence x ≥ 3/4; also, from the second statement, y takes all real values. These conditions coincide with the range of values that the point (x, y) determined by x = y^2 + y + 1 can take.'

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'(1) \\left\\{\egin{array}{l}x=t \\\\ y=2 t+2\\end{array}\\right. \\) (2) 2 x-y-8=0'

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'Solve the following equations and inequalities.'

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'(1) When you square both sides of sqrt{2 x-1}=1-x\n \\2 x-1=(1-x)^{2} we get x^{2}-4 x+2=0\\Solving this, we get x=2 ± sqrt{2}\\The x that satisfies (1) is x=2-sqrt{2}\n (2) When you square both sides of |x-3|= sqrt{5 x+9} we get (x-3)^{2}=5 x+9 which simplifies to x^{2}-11 x=0\\Solving this, we get x=0,11\\Both x=0,11 satisfy (1), so these are the solutions'

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'Practice: (1) Explain the range of movement of point P from the equation s+t=0 leading to t=-s.\n(2) Analyze the movement range of point P by assuming s+t=k(0 ≤ k ≤ 1).'

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'In this case, when'

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'(1) alpha+\eta=a,alpha\eta=b+6,c=6a \\alpha + \eta = -a, \\alpha \eta = b + 6, c = -6a , d=6b36 d = -6b - 36 '

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'Please prove that the solution to the following quartic equation is x = \\alpha: \a x^{4}+b x^{2}+c=0\Provide an explanation, for example in the form \ a x = \\alpha^{4}+b \\alpha^{2}+c = \\overline{0}\. Also, demonstrate that \x=\\overline{\\alpha}\ is also a solution to the given equation.'

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'According to Hamilton-Cayley theorem, for matrix A, the following equation holds: A^2-(a+d)A+(ad-bc)E=0. Consider the following cases: [1] When a+d=2, find (a+d, ad-bc) = (2,-8). [2] When a+d ≠ 2, assume A = kE and find the value of k.'

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'Question 2'

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'Solve the equation z^{n} = 1 for primitive n-th roots of unity.'

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'(2) When the equation is transformed, aleft(sin2x+2right)=2(2sinx+1)a\\left(\\sin ^2 x + 2\\right) = 2(2 \\sin x + 1) \\ \n\\( \\ \nLet sinx=t\\sin x=t, then 1leqqtleqq1-1 \\leqq t \\leqq 1, so frac2(2t+1)t2+2=a\\frac{2(2 t+1)}{t^{2}+2} = a.'

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'This is an identity for the variable xx'

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'For f(x)=x^{2}-x-2, find the values of x that satisfy f(f(x))-x=0.'

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'Solve the following equations and inequalities.'

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'(1) fracx13=y1=fracz1,y+z1=0\\frac{x-1}{3}=y-1=\\frac{z}{-1}, y+z-1=0\n(2) fracx12=y=z+2\\frac{x-1}{-2}=y=z+2'

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'Solve the inequality x+2=√(4 x+9)'

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'(3) This holds for all real x. Substituting x=0 into (3) gives -5a-b+15=0 Substituting x=\\frac{\\pi}{2} into (3) gives 5 e^{\\frac{\\pi}{2}}(a-2)=0 Hence, e^{x}\\{-3(a-b+3) \\sin 2 x+6(2-a) \\cos 2 x +(2-a) \\sin x+(a-b+3) \\cos x\\}=0'

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"(4) \\ frac { \\ left (1 + y ^ {'2'} \\ right) ^ {3}} {y ^ {'2'} \\ prime \\ prime} = 1"

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'Why are entrance exam questions in mathematics often based on specific mathematical phenomena? Please provide three reasons.'

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'Solve the system of equations and find the number of intersection points.'

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'Find the solutions to the following equation: 3x^2 - 6x + 4 = 0'

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'From 41=frac9x106x441=\\frac{9x-10}{6x-4}'

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'Solve the following equations and inequalities.'

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'(1) From the equation 2(6-x)=(x+2)(x-2) and x ≠ 2, we get x^2 + 2x - 16 = 0 and x ≠ 2.\n\nSolving this gives x = -1 ± √17\n\nSince this satisfies x ≠ 2, it is the desired solution.'

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'Example: Solution to the equation z^n=α. Solve the equation z^3=4√3+4i. The solution can be in polar form.'

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'(2) \ \\left|b_{n}-\\frac{1}{2}\\right|=\\frac{\\sqrt{5}}{2} \\quad \\cdots \\cdots \ (A) is proved by mathematical induction.'

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'First, simplify the left side. Solve the equation 2 x-a=2 b-4 a+x by rearranging it.'

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'(1) Let c be a real number. Determine the number of real solutions of the cubic equation x^{3}-3cx+1=0.'

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'When 41m + n is even and 0, m + n is odd, \\\frac{2m}{m^{2}-n^{2}}\'

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'167 (2) y=\\frac{x^{3}}{2}+C x (where C is an arbitrary constant)'

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'(1) Let the volume of the cube after t seconds be V cm^3 and the surface area be S cm^2.\n\nAccording to the question, dV/dt=100\nAlso, the length of one side after t seconds is the cube root of V cm, so\nS=6(V^(1/3))^2=6 V^(2/3)\n\nTherefore, dS/dt=4 V^(-1/3) dV/dt=4/V^(1/3) * dV/dt\nSubstitute (1) and V^(1/3)=10 to get dS/dt=(4/10) * 100=40 cm^2/s\n()(a)Regarding the water volume after 5 seconds\n(pi/4)(h^2+h)=5 pi\nTherefore,\nh^2+h=20\nSince h>0, h=4 cm\n(b) Re-defining the height of the water surface after t seconds as h cm, then\n(pi/4)(h^2+h)=pi t\nSimplify to get h^2+h=4t\nDifferentiate both sides with respect to t to get (2h+1) dh/dt=4'

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'When a ≤ T, the equation x-1=\\sqrt{4 x^{2} - 4 x + a} has a real solution x=1. [Shibaura Institute of Technology]'

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'The equation of a certain line is y = 3x + 2. Find the coordinates of the point where this line intersects the line y = -2x + 5.'

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'205 (1) y = 2x - 2, y = -6x + 22\n(2) y = 4, y = 9x - 14'

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'Please solve the quadratic equation x^2 + bx + c=0.'

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'Find the range of values for the constant kk for which there exists a theta\\theta that satisfies the equation 2cos2theta+2ksintheta+k5=02\\cos^{2}\\theta+2k\\sin\\theta+k-5=0.'

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'Find the condition for the equation to have solutions.'

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'Solve the following equations'

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'Determine the values of constants a and b such that the polynomial 2x^3 + ax^2 + bx - 3 is divisible by x - 3 and leaves a remainder of 5 when divided by 2x - 1.'

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'Find the values of the constant k k for which all the solutions of the quadratic equation x2(k+6)x+6=0 x^{2}-(k+6)x+6=0 are integers, and determine all the integer solutions at that time.'

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'When the cubic equation x33a2x+4a=0 x^{3}-3 a^{2} x+4 a=0 has three distinct real roots, find the range of the constant a a .'

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"Eliminating y from (1) and (2), we get (α-β)/2 x=(α²-β²)/4, which simplifies to (α-β)/2 x=(α+β)(α-β)/4. Since α ≠ β, we have x=(α+β)/2. Substituting this into (1) gives y=α/2 * (α+β)/2-α²/4=αβ/4. Therefore, the coordinates of point P are (α+β)/2, αβ/4. From (3) we get αβ/4=-4/4=-1, hence y=-1. Conversely, when (4) holds, α, β are the two roots of the quadratic equation t²-2xt-4=0 with discriminant D', where D'/4=(-x)²-1*(-4)=x²+4. Thus, D' > 0, so there exist real numbers α, β (α ≠ β) for any x. Therefore, the trajectory of point P is the line y=-1."

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'(1) (2) Eliminating y from (2) gives'

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'Given a+b+c=2, ab+bc+ca=3, abc=2, find the values of a^2+b^2+c^2 and a^5+b^5+c^5.'

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'For real numbers a, b, and c that are not equal to 0 and satisfy a+b+c≠0 and abc≠0, if the equation 1/a + 1/b + 1/c = 1/(a+b+c) holds, then it is required to prove that for any odd number n, the equation 1/a^n + 1/b^n + 1/c^n = 1/(a+b+c)^n also holds.'

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'Identity for 19 characters about DoHonor'

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'Solve the following system of equations.'

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'Determine the types of solutions for the following quadratic equations. Here, k is a constant.\n(1) 3 x^{2}-5 x+3=0\n(2) 2 x^{2}-(k+2) x+k-1=0\n(3) x^{2}+2(k-1) x-k^{2}+4 k-3=0'

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'Find the coordinates of the intersection points between y=1 and y=\\frac{4}{3}x-\\frac{5}{3}.'

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'Let Q(x)Q(x) be a quadratic polynomial. The polynomial P(x)P(x) does not divide Q(x)Q(x), but P(x)2\\{P(x)\\}^{2} is divisible by Q(x)Q(x). Therefore, prove that the quadratic equation Q(x)=0Q(x)=0 has a repeated root.'

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'When x > 1, solving the mathematics II (2) problem: given the equation 4x^2 + 1/[(x+1)(x-1)] = 4(x^2-1) + 1/(x^2-1) + 4, under the conditions 4(x^2-1) > 0 and 1/(x^2-1) > 0, applying the relationship between arithmetic mean and geometric mean, we have the inequality 4(x^2-1) + 1/(x^2-1) + 4 ≥ 8. Therefore, it follows that the inequality 4x^2 + 1/[(x+1)(x-1)] ≥ 8 holds. The equality holds when 4(x^2-1) = 1/(x^2-1). Based on the equation (x^2-1)^2 = 1/4, and satisfying x > 1, we get x^2-1 = 1/2, hence x^2 = 3/2, which leads to x = sqrt(3/2) = sqrt(6)/2. Consequently, the minimum value of 4x^2 + 1/[(x+1)(x-1)] is 8, at x = sqrt(6)/2.'

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'Find the range of values for the constant a, when at least one of the quadratic equations has no real roots.'

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'Let a and b be real numbers. For the quadratic function f(x)=x^{2}+a x+b, answer the following questions.\n(1) When real numbers α, β satisfy f(α)=β, f(β)=α, α ≠ β, express α+β and αβ in terms of a, b.\n(2) Find the conditions on a, b for the existence of real numbers α, β satisfying f(α)=β, f(β)=α, α ≠ β.'

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'Let a be a real number, and let the quadratic equation x^2+ax+(a-1)^2=0 have two distinct real roots. When the difference between the two roots is an integer, find the value of a.'

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'If the three solutions of the cubic equation x33x+5=0x^{3}-3 x+5=0 are denoted as alpha,\eta,gamma\\alpha, \eta, \\gamma, find the values of alpha2+\eta2+gamma2\\alpha^{2}+\eta^{2}+\\gamma^{2}, (alpha1)(\eta1)(gamma1)(\\alpha-1)(\eta-1)(\\gamma-1), and alpha3+\eta3+gamma3\\alpha^{3}+\eta^{3}+\\gamma^{3}.'

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'When one of the solutions of the cubic equation x3+ax2+bx+10=0x^{3}+ax^{2}+bx+10=0 is x=2+ix=2+i, find the values of the real constants aa and bb, and find the other solution.'

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'Solutions and number of solutions of an nth degree equation'

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'General solution to a cubic equation'

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'Find the range of values for a a when the cubic equation x33x2+a5=0 x^{3}-3 x^{2}+a-5=0 has two different positive real solutions.'

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'Let the three solutions of the cubic equation x^{3}-3 x^{2}-5=0 be α, β, γ. Find the following three numbers as solutions to a cubic equation: (1) α-1, β-1, γ-1 (2) β+γ/α, γ+α/β, α+β/γ'

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'Find all the values of theta\\theta when one of the two solutions of the quadratic equation x22(costheta)xsin2theta=0x^{2}-2(\\cos \\theta) x-\\sin ^{2} \\theta=0 is three times the other solution. The constraint is 0circleqqthetaleqq180circ0^{\\circ} \\leqq \\theta \\leqq 180^{\\circ}.'

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'Math II'

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'Solve the equation \x^2 + 2x + 1 = 0\.'

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'Determine the types of solutions for the following quadratic equations. Here, k is a constant.'

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'Calculate the value of symmetric expressions of 2 solutions of a quadratic equation'

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'Solve the following equation for 0 ≤ θ < 2π. Also, find its general solution.\n(5) cos θ = 0'

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'For positive constants a, b, let f(x) = a*x^{2} - b. Prove that (1) f(f(x)) - x is divisible by f(x) - x. (2) Find the conditions for a, b so that the equation f(f(x)) - x = 0 has 4 distinct real solutions.'

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'Please explain how to find the solutions of the quadratic equation ax^2+bx+c=0 and the discriminant D=b^2-4ac, and then discuss the difference in their results.'

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'Prove that for real numbers x, y, z greater than or equal to 0, if x + y^2 = y + z^2 = z + x^2, then x = y = z.'

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'Find the values of the constants a and b for which the function f(x)=x^{3}-a x^{2}+b has a maximum value of 5 and a minimum value of 1.'

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'Find a complex number z such that squaring it results in i. z=x+yi (x, y are real numbers)'

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'High-degree polynomial equation'

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"Determine the range of values for the constant 'a' such that the quadratic equation x2(a10)x+a+14=0x^{2}-(a-10)x+a+14=0 has the following types of solutions:\n(1) Two distinct positive solutions\n(2) Solutions with opposite signs"

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'The distance between the point (1,1) and the line ax-2y-1=0 is\n\n\\[ \\frac{|a \\cdot 1-2 \\cdot 1-1|}{\\sqrt{a^{2}+(-2)^{2}}} = \\frac{|a-3|}{\\sqrt{a^{2}+4}} \\]\n\nFrom the condition, \ \\frac{|a-3|}{\\sqrt{a^{2}+4}}=\\sqrt{2} \\nSquaring both sides, we get \\( \\frac{(a-3)^{2}}{a^{2}+4}=2 \\) therefore \\( (a-3)^{2}=2\\left(a^{2}+4\\right) \\)\nSolving, we have \ a^{2}+6 a-1=0 \ which gives \ a=-3 \\pm \\sqrt{10} \\nBoth sides are non-negative, so squaring is equivalent.'

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'Practice\nDetermine the values of the constants a, b, c so that the equation \\( \\frac{1}{(x+1)(x+2)(x+3)}=\\frac{a}{x+1}+\\frac{b}{x+2}+\\frac{c}{x+3} \\) becomes an identity in x. [Similar to Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology]\nBy multiplying both sides by \\( (x+1)(x+2)(x+3) \\), we obtain the equation\n1=a(x+2)(x+3)+b(x+1)(x+3)+c(x+1)(x+2)\nwhich is also an identity in x.'

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'Let a>0, a≠1, b>0. Find all the points (a, b) on the coordinate plane for which the quadratic equation 4x^2+4x log_a b+1=0 has exactly one solution in the range 0<x<1/2.'

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'Let ω be one of the solutions of the equation x² + x + 1 = 0. Express the value of f(ω) in terms of ω as a linear expression. Given that f(x) = x^80 - 3x^40 + 7.'

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'Solving a quartic equation'

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'Find the value of the real number k when the equation (i+1)x^2 + (k+i)x + ki + 1 = 0 has real roots, where i^2 = -1.'

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'Let the three solutions of the cubic equation x32x2x+3=0x^{3}-2 x^{2}-x+3=0 be α,β,γα, β, γ. Then, the cubic equation with α+β,β+γ,γ+αα+β, β+γ, γ+α as solutions is: $x^{3}-5 x^{2}+8 x-3=0'

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'For a real constant p, when the quadratic equation x^{2}+px+p^{2}+p-1=0 has two distinct real solutions α and β, find the range of possible values for t=(α+1)(β+1).'

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'Determine the relationship and coefficients of the solution to 452\nFor the quadratic equation x26x+k=0x^{2}-6 x+k=0, find the value of the constant kk that satisfies the following conditions:\n(1) One root is twice the other root\n(2) One root is the square of the other root\nRefer to p. 78 Basic Concepts 1'

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'Solve the following equations, inequalities: [(1) Kyoto Sangyo University, (2) Jichi Medical University, (3) Seinan Gakuin University] (1) 8^x − 3 * 4^x − 3 * 2^{x+1} + 8 = 0 (2) 2(3^x + 3^-x) - 5(9^x + 9^-x) + 6 = 0 (3) 2^{x-4} < 8^{1-2x} < 4^{x+1}'

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'When the difference between the maximum and minimum values of the function f(x) = x^3 - 6x^2 + 3ax - 4 is 4, find the value of the constant a.'

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'(1) Let the two solutions of the quadratic equation x22x+3=0x^{2}-2x+3=0 be denoted as alpha,\eta\\alpha, \eta. Find a quadratic equation whose solutions are alpha+frac1\eta,\eta+frac1alpha\\alpha+\\frac{1}{\eta}, \eta+\\frac{1}{\\alpha}.\n(2) Let the two different real number solutions of the quadratic equation x2+px+q=0x^{2}+px+q=0 be alpha,\eta\\alpha, \eta. It is known that the numbers alpha+1,\eta+1\\alpha+1, \eta+1 are solutions to the quadratic equation x23p2x2pq=0x^{2}-3p^{2}x-2pq=0. Find the values of the real constants pp and qq.'

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'Let k be a constant. The line (k+3) x-(2 k-1) y-8 k-3=0 passes through a fixed point A independent of the value of k. Find the coordinates of that fixed point A.'

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'Determine the range of the constant a, so that the equation x^{2}+ax+a=0 satisfies the following conditions:\n(1) Both solutions are less than or equal to 2.\n(2) One solution is greater than a, and the other solution is less than a.'

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'Solve the following system of equations.'

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'Find the equations of the following lines: (1) passing through the point (-2,4) with slope -3 (2) passing through the point (5,6) parallel to the y-axis (3) passing through the point (8,-7) perpendicular to the y-axis (4) passing through the points (3,-5),(-7,2) (5) passing through the points (2,3),(-1,3) (6) passing through the points (-2,0),(0,3/4)'

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'Practice\n\n\nPractice (3) 159\nWhen \ 0 \\leqq \\theta \\leqq \\frac{\\pi}{2} \, solve the following equation.\n\\n\\cos \\theta+\\sqrt{3} \\cos 4 \\theta+\\cos 7 \\theta=0\n\\n\\[\egin{aligned}\n\\cos \\theta+\\sqrt{3} \\cos 4 \\theta+\\cos 7 \\theta & =\\\cos 7 \\theta+\\cos \\theta\+\\sqrt{3} \\cos 4 \\theta \\\\\n& =2 \\cos 4 \\theta \\cos 3 \\theta+\\sqrt{3} \\cos 4 \\theta \\\\\n& =\\cos 4 \\theta(2 \\cos 3 \\theta+\\sqrt{3})\n\\end{aligned}\\]\n\nTherefore, the equation is \\( \\quad \\cos 4 \\theta(2 \\cos 3 \\theta+\\sqrt{3})=0 \\)\nHence \ \\quad \\cos 4 \\theta=0 \ or \ \\cos 3 \\theta=-\\frac{\\sqrt{3}}{2} \\nSince \ 0 \\leqq \\theta \\leqq \\frac{\\pi}{2} \, we have \ 0 \\leqq 4 \\theta \\leqq 2 \\pi \, so within this range, \ \\cos 4 \\theta=0 \\nSolving this gives \ \\quad 4 \\theta=\\frac{\\pi}{2}, \\frac{3}{2} \\pi \, which means \ \\theta=\\frac{\\pi}{8}, \\frac{3}{8} \\pi \\nAlso, since \ 0 \\leqq 3 \\theta \\leqq \\frac{3}{2} \\pi \, within this range, solving \ \\cos 3 \\theta=-\\frac{\\sqrt{3}}{2} \ gives \ 3 \\theta=\\frac{5}{6} \\pi, \\frac{7}{6} \\pi \, i.e. \ \\theta=\\frac{5}{18} \\pi, \\frac{7}{18} \\pi \\n\n\ \\leftarrow Combine \\cos \\theta \ and \ \\cos 7 \\theta \.\n\ \\leftarrow \ Transform the left side from sum to product.\n\\( \\leftarrow Note the range of 4 \\theta.'

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'Given that two of the solutions of the cubic equation x^3 + ax^2 - 21x + b = 0 are 1 and 3. Find the values of the constants a and b and the other solution.'

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'Find the value of the constant k k when the ratio of the two solutions of the quadratic equation x2(k1)x+k=0 x^{2}-(k-1) x+k=0 is 2:3 2:3 .'

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'Determine the types of solutions for the following 5 quadratic equations. Where k is a constant.\n(1) x^{2}-3 x+1=0\n(2) 4 x^{2}-12 x+9=0\n(3) -13 x^{2}+12 x-3=0\n(4) x^{2}-(k-3) x+k^{2}+4=0\n(5) x^{2}-(k-2) x+\\frac{k}{2}+5=0'

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"In the right division, if (remainder) = 0, then -8 + 4a = 0, -3a + b - 12 = 0, therefore a = 2, b = 18. At this point, the quotient is x + 6, so the equation is (x-1)(x-3)(x+6) = 0. Therefore, the other solution is x = -6 another solution 2. [(*) up to the same] Let's call the other solution c. Since f(x) also has a factor of x - c, the following identity holds for the next x. x³ + ax² - 21x + b = (x - 1)(x - 3)(x - c) Expanding and simplifying the right side yields x³ + ax² - 21x + b = x³ - (c + 4)x² + (4c + 3)x - 3c. Comparing the coefficients on both sides, we get a = -c - 4, -21 = 4c + 3, b = -3c. Solving this we get a = 2, b = 18; the other solution x = c = -6"

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'Find the values of the constants a,ba, b for which the polynomial P(x)=ax4+bx3+abx2(a+3b4)x(3a2)P(x)=a x^{4}+b x^{3}+a b x^{2}-(a+3 b-4) x-(3 a-2) is divisible by x21x^{2}-1. Next, factorize P(x)P(x) using the values of a,ba, b found within the real number range.'

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'`a` is a real number, therefore `a=-3` which satisfies `a<0`. Hence, `a=3, b=5` or `a=-3, b=1`'

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'Let k be a real constant. Find the number of distinct real roots of the equation 2x^3 - 12x^2 + 18x + k = 0.'

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'Let x>0, y>0, z>0. When 1/x + 2/y + 3/z = 1/4, find the minimum value of x + 2y + 3z.'

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'When the equation x⁴ + ax² + b = 0 has 2 - i as a solution, find the values of the real constants a, b, and the other solution.'

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'Solve the following equation and inequality when \ 0 \\leqq \\theta<2 \\pi \.อ161 (1) \ \\sin \\theta+\\sqrt{3} \\cos \\theta=\\sqrt{3} \ (2) \ \\cos 2 \\theta-\\sqrt{3} \\sin 2 \\theta-1>0 \'

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'For equations (1) and (2), find the range of values for the constant a that satisfy the following conditions:'

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'Let i be the imaginary unit. Let a and b be real numbers, and α be a non-real complex number. Given that α is a root of the equation x^2 - 2ax + b + 1 = 0, and α+1 is a root of the equation x^2 - bx + 5a + 3 = 0. Find the values of a, b, and α.'

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'Let the two solutions of the quadratic equation x23x+7=0x^{2}-3x+7=0 be alpha\\alpha and \eta\eta. Then, (2alpha)(2\eta)=square(2-\\alpha)(2-\eta)= \\square, and (alpha2)3+(\eta2)3=1square(\\alpha-2)^{3}+(\eta-2)^{3}=1 \\square.'

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'Solve the following 2nd-degree equations:\n(1) \ 3 x^{2}+5 x-2=0 \\n(2) \ 2 x^{2}+5 x+4=0 \\n(3) \ \\frac{1}{10} x^{2}-\\frac{1}{5} x+\\frac{1}{2}=0 \\n(4) \\( (\\sqrt{3}-1) x^{2}+2 x+(\\sqrt{3}+1)=0 \\)'

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'Solve the quadratic equation 2x2+8x3=02 x^{2}+8 x-3=0 to find the two roots as alpha,\eta\\alpha, \eta. Find the value of the following expressions.'

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'Prove that for real numbers x, y, z greater than or equal to 0, if x+y^2=y+z^2=z+x^2, then x=y=z.'

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'Prove the following for the three quadratic equations x2+ax+b=0 x^{2}+a x+b=0 , x2+px+q=0 x^{2}+p x+q=0 , 2x2+(a+p)x+b+q=0 2 x^{2}+(a+p) x+b+q=0 .'

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'Create a quadratic equation with the following two solutions:'

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'In a factory, two types of products A and B are produced by two craftsmen, M and W. For product A, assembly work requires 6 hours per unit, and adjustment work requires 2 hours. Additionally, for product B, assembly work requires 3 hours, and adjustment work requires 5 hours. Either task can continue across days. Craftsman M is responsible only for assembly work, and craftsman W is responsible only for adjustment work. The time each craftsman spends on these tasks is limited to 18 hours per week for craftsman M and 10 hours per week for craftsman W. The goal is to maximize the total production of products A and B over 4 weeks. Find the total production quantity.'

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'Solve the following equations, inequalities (0 ≤ θ < 2π):'

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'What is the method for determining the coefficients of a higher-degree equation?'

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'111 (1) (\\sqrt{3}-1)x+(\\sqrt{3}-1)y+\\sqrt{3}+1=0, (\\sqrt{3}+1)x-(\\sqrt{3}+1)y-\\sqrt{3}+1=0'

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'Find the range of values for the constant a when at least one of the two quadratic equations x^2 + 2ax + 4a - 3 = 0, 5x^2 - 4ax + a = 0 does not have real roots.'

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'For the equations x2+4ax+5a=0...(1)x^{2}+4ax+5-a=0...(1) and x2+3x+3a2=0...(2)x^{2}+3x+3a^{2}=0...(2), find the range of values for the constant aa that satisfy the following conditions (3). [Kurume University]'

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'Considering P = 2x^2 - (y - 5)x - (3y^2 + 5y - k) as a quadratic equation in x, from the quadratic formula we have x = (y - 5 ± √((y - 5)^2 + 8(3y^2 + 5y - k)))/4, in order for this to be expressed as a linear equation in y, the expression inside the square root must be a perfect square. Hence, the discriminant D of the condition 25y^2 + 30y + 25 - 8k = 0 should be 0, therefore find the value of k.'

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'If this equation is an identity, then substituting x=2,1,-1 also holds true. Substituting these values, we get 3=3a, 4=-2b, 30=6c\nTherefore, a=1, b=-2, c=5\nIn this case, (right hand side) = x^{2}-1-2(x+1)(x-2)+5(x-2)(x-1)\n=x^{2}-1-2(x^{2}-x-2)+5(x^{2}-3x+2)\n=4x^{2}-13x+13\nand the given equation is an identity.\nTherefore, a=1, b=-2, c=5'

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'Find the value of b.'

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'Find the discriminant of the quadratic equation ax^2 + bx + c = 0, and describe the nature of the solutions based on the value of the discriminant.'

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'Find the value of α, which has two different roots α and α² for the quadratic equation x²-2kx+k=0 (where k is a constant).'

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'Proof: If a real coefficient n-th degree equation has an imaginary solution p+qi, then its conjugate complex number p-qi is also a solution.'

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'Practice solving the following 2 quadratic equations.'

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'Find the range of constant b for which the quadratic equation has real solutions regardless of the value of the constant a.'

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'Let (a) be a constant. Find the range of values for (a) such that the equation 4x+12x+4+5a+6=04^{x+1}-2^{x+4}+5a+6=0 has two distinct positive solutions.'

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'Let \\\alpha, \eta, \\gamma\ be the three roots of the equation \x^3-2x^2-4=0\. Find the values of the following expressions.'

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'Explain how to use the factor theorem to find one solution of a high-degree equation.'

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'Example 161 (1)\n\\(\\sqrt {3} \\sin \\theta+\\cos \\theta+1=0 \n \\rightarrow 2 \\sin \\left(\\theta+\\frac{\\pi}{6}\\right)+1=0\\) is the normal equation'

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'Solve the following quadratic equations. (1) 4x^2-8x+3=0 (2) 3x^2-5x+4=0 (3) 2x(3-x)=2x+3 (4) 1/2x^2+1/4x-1/3=0 (5) (2+√3)x^2+2(√3+1)x+2=0'

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'Determine the value of the constant a so that 2x^{3} + 3ax^{2} - a^{2} + 6 is divisible by x + 1.'

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'(3) left(frac23right)xleft(frac12right)ygeqqfrac110\\left(\\frac{2}{3}\\right)^{x}\\left(\\frac{1}{2}\\right)^{y} \\geqq \\frac{1}{10} Taking the common logarithm of both sides gives\\[ log10left(frac23right)xleft(frac12right)ygeqqlog10frac110\\log _{10}\\left(\\frac{2}{3}\\right)^{x}\\left(\\frac{1}{2}\\right)^{y} \\geqq \\log _{10} \\frac{1}{10} \\]\\nTherefore xlog10frac23+ylog10frac12geqq1x \\log _{10} \\frac{2}{3}+y \\log _{10} \\frac{1}{2} \\geqq-1\\nFrom (1) we get 0.1761x0.3010ygeqq1-0.1761 x-0.3010 y \\geqq-1\\nHence 0.1761x+0.3010yleqq10.1761 x+0.3010 y \\leqq 1\\nTherefore fracxfrac10.1761+fracyfrac10.3010leqq1\\frac{x}{\\frac{1}{0.1761}}+\\frac{y}{\\frac{1}{0.3010}} \\leqq 1\\nHere, frac10.1761=5.67cdots,frac10.3010=3.32cdots\\frac{1}{0.1761}=5.67 \\cdots, \\frac{1}{0.3010}=3.32 \\cdots\\nFind the coordinates (x,y)(x, y) included in the region represented by this system of inequalities.'

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'Find the range of values for the constant b such that the equation x^2 - (8-a)x + 12-ab = 0 has real solutions regardless of the value of the real constant a.'

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'For the two solutions α, β of the equation x^{2}-3 x+7=0, find the values of α^{2}+β^{2} and α^{4}+β^{4}. Also, find the value of (α^{2}+3 α+7)(β^{2}-β+7).'

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'If the two solutions of the quadratic equation 2x^2 - 4x + 1 = 0 are α and β, then α - 1/α, β - 1/β are the solutions of a new quadratic equation, create this new quadratic equation.'

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'Prove the properties of a, b, and c satisfying the following conditions:'

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'Let a, b, p, q be real numbers. For the three quadratic equations x^2 + ax + b = 0 (1), x^2 + px + q = 0 (2), 2x^2 + (a+p)x + b+q = 0 (3), prove the following.'

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'Create two equations'

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'Given that two of the solutions of the cubic equation x^{3}+x^{2}+ax+b=0 are -1 and -3. Find the values of constants a and b, and determine the other solution.'

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'Let the two solutions of the quadratic equation \ x^{2}-m x+p=0 \ be \ \\alpha, \eta \, and the two solutions of the quadratic equation \ x^{2}-m x+q=0 \ be \ \\gamma, \\delta \ (pronounced as Delta).\n(1) Express \\( (\\gamma-\\alpha)(\\gamma-\eta) \\) in terms of \ p, q \.\n(2) If \ p, q \ are the solutions of the equation \\( x^{2}-(2 n+1) x+n^{2}+n-1=0 \\), find the value of \\( (\\gamma-\\alpha)(\\gamma-\eta)(\\delta-\\alpha)(\\delta-\eta) \\).\n\ \\angle \ basic 39.46.'

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'Determine the value of a such that the equation x3+(a+1)x2a=0 x^{3}+(a+1) x^{2}-a=0 has a double root.'

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'Translate the given text into multiple languages.'

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'Solve the following equations.'

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'Practice solving the following equations and inequalities.'

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'Practice (377 \ k \ is a constant. Determine the number of real solutions of the equation \ \\frac{2 x+9}{x+2}=-\\frac{x}{5}+k \.'

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'Translate the given text into multiple languages.'

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'What type of triangle is triangle ABC when three different points A(α), B(β), and C(γ) satisfy the following conditions?'

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'Practice. Find a complex number z such that its absolute value is 1 and z³-z is a real number.'

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'Find the limit of the sequence determined by the following conditions. (2) 95\n(1) a1=2, an+1=3an+2\n(2) a1=1,2an+1=6-an'

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'The condition for one solution to be t<-1 and the other solution to be within the range -1<t is'

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'Find a fifth degree equation f(x) that satisfies conditions (A) and (B) simultaneously.'

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'Find the function f(x) when the polynomial f(x) satisfies x f’’(x)+(1-x) f’(x)+3 f(x)=0, f(0)=1.'

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'This is a math problem number \ \\mathbb{I} \\ -39 \. Find the range of existence for \ z \ that satisfies the following conditions.'

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'Let {a_n} be a sequence with the sum from the first term to the nth term as S_n.'

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'Find the solutions of the equation z^n = 1.'

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'What is the minimum value of the exponent that satisfies the power equation?'

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'Let 3k be a real constant where k ≠ 0. The sequence {an} satisfying a1=1, k an + (2-k) an-1=1 (n=2,3,4,……) converges when the range of k is [], and lim{n→∞}an=1. (1) Find the general term an. (2) Find lim{n→∞}S(n)/an.'

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'Solve the following equations.'

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'Let p and q be real numbers, with p^{2}-4q>0. Consider the equations x^{2}+px+q=0 and x^{2}-6x+13=0, where the real solutions of the first equation are α and β (α<β). Let the two complex solutions of the second equation be γ and δ (with γ having a positive imaginary part and δ having a negative imaginary part), and represent the points corresponding to α, β, γ, δ on the complex plane as A, B, C, D respectively. (1) Find the values of p and q when the quadrilateral AD【BC is a square. (2) Express q in terms of p when the four points A, B, C, D are on a single circumference.'

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'Find all the solutions of the equation z³ + 3i z² - 3z - 28i = 0.'

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'Investigate the number of real solutions of the equation 2√(x-1) = 1/2x + k based on the value of the constant k.'

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'Find a complex number z with absolute value 1 such that z^3 - z is a real number.'

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'Practice: What kind of shape does the set of points z satisfying the following equations form?'

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'Point P starts from vertex A of the square ABCD, and each time a die is rolled, it moves from one vertex to another according to the following rules.'

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"Since x^{2}+x+1=\\left(x+\\frac{1}{2}\\right)^{2}+\\frac{3}{4}>0, inequality (1)'s each side multiplied by x^{2}+x+1 yields -\\left(x^{2}+x+1\\right)<1<x^{2}+x+1 -\\left(x^{2}+x+1\\right)<1 always holds. From 1<x^{2}+x+1 we get x^{2}+x>0 hence x(x+1)>0 thus x<-1,0<x Inequality (1) solution is x<-1,0<x Therefore, sum is x=-1, 0 f(x)=0 when x<-1, 0<x f(x)=\\frac{x^{2}+x}{1-\\frac{1}{x^{2}+x+1}}=x^{2}+x+1 therefore, the graph is as shown on the right. Therefore, continuous at x<-1,0<x, discontinuous at x=-1,0"

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'Translate the given question to multiple languages.'

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'Please plot the following shapes on the complex plane.④22\n(1) The locus of points \ z \ where \\\frac{1}{z+i}+\\frac{1}{z-i}\ is a real number, denoted as \ P \\n(2) When \ z \ moves along the locus \ P \ determined in (1), the locus of point \ w=\\frac{z+i}{z-i} \\n〔Hokkaido University〕 (1) \ z+i \\neq 0 \ and \ z-i \\neq 0 \ implies \\\quad z \\neq \\pm i \ and \\(\\quad \\frac{1}{z+i}+\\frac{1}{z-i}=\\frac{(z-i)+(z+i)}{(z+i)(z-i)}=\\frac{2z}{z^{2}+1}\\)\nWhen this is real\n\\[ \\frac{2z}{z^{2}+1}=\\overline{\\left(\\frac{2z}{z^{2}+1}\\right)} \\]\nFind the \ z \ that satisfies this condition.'

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'In relation to the second-order curve F(x, y)=0 (A) and the line ax+by+c=0 (B), the coordinates of their common points are given by the real solutions of the simultaneous equations (A), (B). When the equation obtained by eliminating one variable from (A), B is a second-order equation, let its discriminant be D, then (1) D>0 (with different two sets of real solutions) ⇔ intersect at two points (2) D=0 (having one set of real solution [repeated]) ⇔ touching at one point (3) D<0 (having no real solution) ⇔ no common point. When the equation obtained by eliminating one variable from (A), B is a first-order equation (4) (having one set of real solution [non-repeated]) ⇔ intersect at one point. Based on these conditions, determine the situation of the common points between the second-order curve and the line.'

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'Solve the following equations and inequalities. (1) \ \\sqrt{x+3}=|2 x| \ (2) \ \\sqrt{7 x-3} \\leqq \\sqrt{-x^{2}+5 x} \'

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'For α = 1, any number except -1; for α = -1, any number except 1; for α ≠ ±1, a number that satisfies |z| = 1 (where z ≠ -1/α)'

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'Find the value of z for the equation z^5=1'

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'EXERCISES on Applications to Equations and Inequalities'

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'Solve the following equation and inequality: (1) \ \\sqrt{5-x}=x+1 \ (2) \ \\sqrt{5-x}<x+1 \'

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'By eliminating y from the equations of the straight line y=x+k and C2,'

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'Solve the following equations.'

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'From (1) x+y=1, we have y=-x+1\nSubstitute this into 2 x^{2}+y^{2}=1\nWe get 2 x^{2}+(-x+1)^{2}=1\nTherefore, 3 x^{2}-2 x=0\nThus x(3 x-2)=0\nTherefore, x=0 or \\frac{2}{3}\nHence, there are 2 intersection points\nFrom (2) 2 x-2 y+1=0, we have 2 x=2 y-1\nSubstitute this into y^{2}=2 x\nWe get y^{2}=2 y-1\nTherefore, y^{2}-2 y+1=0\nThus (y-1)^{2}=0\nTherefore, y=1\nHence, there is 1 intersection point'

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'Let k be a real constant. Find the number of solutions to the equation 4cos²x+3sinx-kcosx-3=0 for -π≤x≤π.'

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'Solving the system of equations: -1=x-2, 2=y+3, -3=-z-4, we get x=1, y=-1, z=-1.'

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'In the complex plane, let complex numbers represent the vertices of a triangle O, A, B as 0, α, β respectively.'

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'Solve the following equations and inequalities.'

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'When a complex number z = x + yi (where x, y are real numbers, and i is the imaginary unit) satisfies the following conditions, find the equation satisfied by x, y. Also, plot the general shape of the figure represented by the equation on the xy plane. (1) |z+3|+|z-3|=12'

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'Prove that the equation x45x+2=0x^{4}-5 x+2=0 has at least one real solution.'

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'The transformation from the expression to w using a first-order fraction conversion is called z.'

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'What is the set of all points satisfying the following equations and inequalities:\n(1) 2z+4=2iz+1|2z+4|=|2iz+1|\n(2) (3z+i)(3\zi)=9(3z+i)(3\\overline{z}-i)=9\n(3) z\z=2iz-\\overline{z}=2i\n(4) z+2i<3|z+2i|<3'

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'Let n be a natural number greater than or equal to 2, consider the equation (1-x)e^{nx}-1=0. Where e is the base of natural logarithm.'

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'Consider the sequence {an}. The sequence is defined by the following recurrence relation. a1 = 2, an+1 = pan + 2 (n = 1, 2, 3, ......). Find the general term of the sequence {an}. Furthermore, determine the range of values for p such that the sequence converges.'

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'Find the number of real solutions of the equation 2 \\sqrt{x-1}=\\frac{1}{2} x+k. Here, k is a constant.'

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{'title': 'English', 'type': 'string'}

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'Determine the range of real numbers for which the sequence {((x^2+2x-5)/(x^2-x+2))^n} converges. Also, find the limit value at that point.'

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'Find the number of distinct real solutions of the cubic equation x3kx+2=0 x^{3}-k x+2=0 (k k is a constant).'

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'For points A(-3,0,4), B(x, y, z), C(5,-1,2), find the values of x, y, z that satisfy the following conditions: (1) The coordinates of the point that divides segment AB in the ratio 1:2 are (-1,1,3) (2) The coordinates of the point that divides segment AB in the ratio 3:4 are (-3,-6,4) (3) The coordinates of the centroid of triangle ABC are (1,1,3)'

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'Prove that when the fifth-degree equation ax^5 + bx^2 + c = 0 has a complex solution \ \\alpha \, its conjugate complex number \ \\overline{\\alpha} \ is also a solution.'

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'Prove that the equation x52x4+3x34x+5=0x^{5}-2 x^{4}+3 x^{3}-4 x+5=0 has real solutions.'

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'Given two non-parallel vectors \ \\vec{a}, \\vec{b} \ (where, \ \\vec{a} \\neq \\overrightarrow{0}, \\vec{b} \\neq \\overrightarrow{0} \), when they satisfy the equation \\( 35 s(\\vec{a}+3 \\vec{b})+t(-2 \\vec{a}+\\vec{b})=-5 \\vec{a}-\\vec{b} \\), find the values of real numbers \ s \ and \ t \.'

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'\\( y=-x,(-1,1) \\);\\[ y=-9 x+8,\\left(\\frac{1}{3}, 5\\right)\\]'

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'Consider the following equation:\n1. Equation: 3x^2 - 7y^2 - 6x + 24 = 0'

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'Translate the given text into multiple languages.'

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'Find the coordinates (x, y, z) that satisfy the equation 2x + y - 3z - 4 = 0.'

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'Prove that the inequality \\\left|\\frac{\\alpha-\eta}{1-\\overline{\\alpha} \eta}\\right|<1\ holds for complex numbers \\\alpha, \eta\ with absolute values less than 1. Here, \\\overline{\\alpha}\ denotes the complex conjugate of \\\alpha\.'

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'A throws a dice in the first round, B throws in the second round, and then A and B take turns throwing the dice. The one who first throws a 1 or 2 wins. (1) Find the probability of A winning on the third round. (2) Let the probability of A winning by the (2n1)(2 n-1)th round be pn p_{n} , find limnrightarrowinftypn\\lim _{n \\rightarrow \\infty} p_{n} .'

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'Prove the following theorem: Four points A(z_1), B(z_2), C(z_3), D(z_4) are concyclic if and only if the expression (z_2 - z_3)/(z_1 - z_3) divided by (z_2 - z_4)/(z_1 - z_4) is real.'

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'Calculate the n-th power of a complex number (2) Complex number z satisfies z + 1/z = √2. (1) Express z in polar form. (2) Find the value of z^20 + 1/z^20. [Chubu University]'

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'(2) \ y = 4 x + \\sqrt{3} - \\frac{4}{3} \\pi \ English translation'

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'(1) When a = 2, d = -10, f = 0, the equation is 2x^2 + by^2 + cx - 10y = 0'

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'Let a, b, c be real numbers. Prove that when the 5th degree equation ax^5 + bx^2 + c = 0 has a complex solution α, its conjugate complex number α̅ is also a solution.'

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'Let real numbers a, b be such that the cubic equation x^{3}+a x^{2}+b x+1=0 has an imaginary solution α. Prove that the conjugate complex number of α, ᾱ, is also a solution to this equation. Furthermore, express coefficients a, b, and the third solution β in terms of α and ᾱ.'

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'Solution (1) Let \ \\sqrt{5-x}=x+1 \ be (*) Squaring both sides, we get \\[ 5-x=(x+1)^{2} \\] Simplifying, we get \ \\quad x^{2}+3 x-4=0 \ \\[ (x-1)(x+4)=0 \\] Solving this equation, we find \ \\quad x=1,-4 \ \ x=1 \ satisfies (*), but \ x=-4 \ does not. Thus, the solution is \ \\quad x=1 \ Additionally, since \ 5-x \\geqq 0 \ and \ x+1 \\geqq 0 \, we have \ -1 \\leqq x \\leqq 5 \ The solution to (**) is \ \\quad x=1 \'

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'Example 41 | Geometric Representation of Equations (1)What kind of shape does the set of all points z satisfying the following equations form? (1) |z+2i|=|z-3| (2) |z+1-3i|=2 (3) 4(z-1+i)(z̄-1-i)=1 (4) z+z̄=3'

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'Find the values of a, b, and c for Exercise 10 in Chapter 1 Functions.'

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'Solve the following equations and inequalities.'

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'Let a be a constant such that a > 1. Consider the function f(x) = \\frac{ax}{1 + ax}. (1) Prove that if a real number t satisfies f(f(t)) = f(t), then f(t) = t. (2) Solve the inequality f(f(x)) \\geqq f(x) for x. [Doshisha University] Example 11'

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'The quadratic equation for x with real numbers a, b has an imaginary solution z.'

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'Solve the following system of equations.'

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'(2) I(m, n)=-\\frac{n}{m+1} I(m+1, n-1)'

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'Solve the following equations and inequalities.'

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'Solve the following equations and inequalities. (1) \ \\sqrt{2 x-1}=1-x \ (2) \ |x-3|=\\sqrt{5 x+9} \ (3) \ \\sqrt{3-x}>x-1 \ (4) \ x+2 \\leqq \\sqrt{4 x+9} \ (5) \ \\sqrt{2 x^{2}+x-6}<x+2 \'

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'The parabola y=\x0crac12x2 y=\x0crac{1}{2} x^{2} , when translated parallel to the x x -axis by p p and parallel to the y y -axis by q q , touches both the lines y=x y=-x and y=3x y=3x . Find the values of p p and q q .'

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'Please solve the conditions on the real number h: (1) x+y=h and (2) x/(y+4)=k, find the maximum value for each of them.'

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'(1) Find the range of values for the constant kk so that the two quadratic equations 3x2+6x+2k1=0,x2(2k1)x+k22k+2=03 x^{2}+6 x+2 k-1=0, x^{2}-(2 k-1) x+k^{2}-2 k+2=0 have real roots simultaneously.\n(2) Find the value of the constant aa and the corresponding real root of the equation ax26x+a8=0a x^{2}-6 x+a-8=0 having exactly one real root.'

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'From |3 x+2|=5, we get 3 x+2=±5, from 3 x+2=5 to 3 x+2=-5'

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'Let m be a real number constant. When the simultaneous linear equations in x and y are 2x+y-2=0 and mx-y-3m+1=0, and have a solution for x>0 and y>0, find the range of values for m.'

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'Solve the following equation: |x+1|+2|x-1|=3'

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'Exercise 17 II (→ Textbook p.84) Investigate the relationship between condition P and conditions A ∼ F. ⟦ P → A ⟧ is true. (Counterexample: X = {n | n is a natural number}) ⟦ A → P ⟧ is clearly true. ⟦ P → B ⟧ is false. (Counterexample: X = {1}) ⟦ B → P ⟧ is false. (Counterexample: X = {n | n is an integer}) For ⟦ P → C ⟧, if the smallest number of elements in X exists, let it be x, then x-1 is an integer and x-1 is smaller than any element in X. Therefore, ⟦ P → C ⟧ is true.'

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'Solve the equation: (3)(x+3)|x-4|+2(x+3)=0, which leads to (x+3)(|x-4|+2)=0. [1] When x >= 4, (1) becomes (x+3)(x-4+2)=0, so (x+3)(x-2)=0. Solving this gives x=-3, 2, but neither satisfies x >= 4. [2] When x < 4, (1) becomes (x+3){-(x-4)+2}=0, so (x+3)(-x+6)=0. Solving this gives x=-3, 6, and the only solution that satisfies x < 4 is x=-3. Combining [1] and [2], the solution is x=-3.'

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'Solve the equation: Let x+1=t, then the equation becomes 6t^{2}+5t-14=0. Hence, (t+2)(6t-7)=0. Therefore, t=-2, 7/6. Substituting these into x=t-1 gives x=-3, 1/6.'

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'Let a, b be different constants, and let the equations x^2+ax+ab^2=0 and x^2+bx+a^2b=0 have a common solution. When one of (1) and (2) has a double root, find the common solution. When neither (1) nor (2) has a double root, prove that at least one of the solutions is negative in the common set.'

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'There are A ways to arrange 4 white balls, 3 black balls, and 1 red ball in a circle. Furthermore, there are B ways to create a ring by passing a string through these balls.'

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'Solve the following equations or system of equations.'

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'Practice 18\nBooklet p 53\n1. When x ≥ 4, the equation is x-4 = 3x\nSolving this, x=-2 which does not satisfy x ≥ 4.\n2. When x < 4, the equation is -(x-4) = 3x\nSolving this, x=1 which satisfies x < 4.\nFrom 1 and 2, the desired solution is x=1'

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'There are many cards of two types, white and black. When you have k cards in hand, consider the following operation (A): Select one card from the k cards in hand with equal probability of 1/k, and replace it with a card of a different color.'

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'When α=-√2, from (1) we have 3-√2 a=0, therefore a=3/√2. In this case, the remaining solutions for (1) and (2) are 1/α,-1/α, which are -1/√2, 1/√2 respectively. Based on this, the number of desired intersection points is 2 when |a|<2, 3 when |a|=2, 4 when 2<|a|<3/√2, 3 when |a|=3/√2, and 4 when 3/√2<|a|. From alternative solution (*), we have a x=-x^2-1, a x=-3 x^2+3, therefore the number of desired intersection points is the same as the number of intersection points between the line y=a x and the curves y=-x^2-1 (1), y=-3x^2+3 (2). The discriminants of the quadratic equations a x=-x^2-1 and a x=-3 x^2+3 are denoted as D1 and D2 respectively, where D1=a^2-4=(a+2)(a-2), D2=a^2+36>0. The number of intersection points between the line y=a x and the curve (1) depends on D1: D1>0 gives 2 intersections when |a|>2, D1=0 gives 1 intersection when |a|=2, and D1<0 gives 0 intersections when |a|<2. Moreover, the line y=a x and the curve (2) always intersect at different two points. Furthermore, the x-coordinates of the intersection points of the curves (1) and (2) are obtained from -x^2-1=-3 x^2+3, resulting in x=±√2, thus the coordinates of the intersection points of the curves (1) and (2) are (±√2,-3). When the line y=a x passes through the point (±√2,-3), solving -3=±√2 a gives a=∓ 3/√2 (above, the signs are in the same order). From the above deductions, it is found that the results match those obtained from the diagram. It is known that 3/√2>3/1.5=2. When (1) has no real number solutions, there are 2 points. When (1) has repeated solutions, or when (1) and (2) have common solutions, there are 3 points. Otherwise, there are 4 points.'

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'The solution to the inequality x^2+mx+3m-5>0 is'

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'What steps should be taken to solve the equation 3x - 2 = 10?'

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'(2) \\\left\\{\egin{\overlineray}{l}x y+x=3 \\\\ 3 x y+y=8\\end{\overlineray}\\right.\'

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'Exercise 31 III ⇒ Volume 164'

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'Solve the following system of equations.'

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'Find the solution to the following system of equations.'

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"\nExercise 33 III \ \\Rightarrow \ Book \ p.164 \\n(1) \\( f(x)=(x-1)^{2}+1, g(x)=-\\left(x-\\frac{a}{2}\\right)^{2}+\\frac{a^{2}}{4}+a \\)\n\nThe required condition is that \\( [f(x) \\) minimum value \\( ] \\geqq [g(x) \\) maximum value \ ] \\nTherefore \ 1 \\geqq \\frac{a^{2}}{4}+a \\nHence \ a^{2}+4 a-4 \\leqq 0 \\n\nSolving this gives \ -2-2 \\sqrt{2} \\leqq ~ a \\leqq-2+2 \\sqrt{2} \\n(2) \\( f(x)-g(x)=h(x) \\) and let\n\\[\n\egin{aligned}\nh(x) & =2 x^{2}-(a+2) x+2-a \\\n& =2\\left(x-\\frac{a+2}{4}\\right)^{2}-\\frac{1}{8}(a+2)^{2}+2-a \\\n& =2\\left(x-\\frac{a+2}{4}\\right)^{2}-\\frac{1}{8} a^{2}-\\frac{3}{2} a+\\frac{3}{2}\n\\end{aligned}\n\\]\nThe graph of \\( y=h(x) \\) is a concave parabola, axis is the line \ x=\\frac{a+2}{4} \\nThe required condition is that \\( h(x) \\geqq 0 \\) for \ 0 \\leqq x \\leqq 1 \\nTherefore, if the minimum value of \\( h(x) \\) in the range \ 0 \\leqq x \\leqq 1 \ is positive or zero, that's good.\n[1] \ \\frac{a+2}{4}<0 \ i.e., when \ a<-2 \, \\( h(x) \\) is minimum at \ x=0 \, and the minimum value is \\( h(0)=2-a \\)\nTherefore \ 2-a \\geqq 0 \\nSo \ a \\leqq 2 \\nThe common range with \ a<-2 \ is\n\ a<-2 \\n[2] \ 0 \\leqq \\frac{a+2}{4} \\leqq 1 \ i.e., when \ -2 \\leqq a \\leqq 2 \\n\\( h(x) \\) is minimum at \ x=\\frac{a+2}{4} \, and the minimum value is\n\\[h\\left(\\frac{a+2}{4}\\right)=-\\frac{1}{8} a^{2}-\\frac{3}{2} a+\\frac{3}{2} \\]"

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'(2) \\( y=\\left|\\frac{1}{3}\\left(x^{2}+6 x-27\\right)\\right|=\\frac{1}{3}\\left|x^{2}+6 x-27\\right|=\\frac{1}{3}|(x+9)(x-3)| \\) \ x^{2}+6 x-27 \\geqq 0 \ The solution is, \\( (x+9)(x-3) \\geqq 0 \\) which gives\n\\nx \\leqq-9,3 \\leqq x\n\\n\ x^{2}+6 x-27<0 \ The solution is, \\( (x+9)(x-3)<0 \\) which gives\n\\n-9<x<3\n\'

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'(3) By the theorem of squares, x(x+5)=6² thus x²+5x-36=0, namely (x-4)(x+9)=0 since x>0, thus x=4'

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'(3) \ \\left\\{\egin{\overlineray}{l}x^{2}-y^{2}+x+y=0 \\\\ x^{2}-3 x+2 y^{2}+3 y=9\\end{\overlineray}\\right. \'

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'Solve the following equations and inequalities.'

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'For the following two quadratic equations, find the range of values for the constant a that satisfy the conditions.'

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'Practice moving a certain parabola symmetrically about the x-axis, then translating -1 in the x-axis direction and 2 in the y-axis direction, followed by symmetrical movement about the y-axis, resulting in the parabola y=-x^{2}-x-2. Find the equation of the original parabola.'

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'Let a be a real number. For the quadratic equation in x, x^2 + (a+1)x + a^2 - 1 = 0, answer the following questions:'

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"The negation of the statement 'at least one does not have a real number solution' is 'both have real number solutions', therefore, the complement of range (1) is the range determined by (2). However, since \a \\neq 0\, the complement of \0 < a \\leqq \\frac{3}{2}\ is \a < 0, \\frac{3}{2} < a\."

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'Determine the range of the constant a such that the quadratic equation ax^2-(a+1)x-2=0 has exactly one real root in the range -1<x<0 and 2<x<3.'

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'Important Example 77 | Solutions of a Quadratic Equation and Comparing Coefficients'

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'By the formula of solution.'

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'Find the discriminant of the following quadratic equation and determine the number of roots based on the value of k.\n(1) x^{2}+2(k-4)x+k^{2}=0'

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"A few 150 yen snacks were purchased and put into a 200 yen box, with a total cost of 2000 yen. At this time, how many snacks were purchased? In such problems, unknown numbers are represented by letters. Let's denote the number of snacks as x, then the quantity relationship of the problem is represented by the following equation. 150x+200=2000"

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'Solve the inequality: (1) Subtract 4 from each side and find the solution.'

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'Solve the equation involving absolute value.'

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'Find the intersection points of the following system of equations. \\\left\\{\egin{\overlineray}{l}y=x^{2}-4x \\\\ y=2x-9\\end{\overlineray}\\right.\'

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'Comprehensive exercise: Solve the simultaneous equations from (A) 4+2b+c=1, 25+5b+c=4 to find the values of b and c. Find the expression of f(x) and the vertex of the parabola at this time.'

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'Solve the following problem: Let D be the discriminant of the quadratic equation (1), then D = (m - 1)^2 - 4n. The quadratic equation (1) has repeated roots when D = 0. Find the roots of equation (1). Also, find the solutions in the range 0 < x < 1.'

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'(3) Let DD be the discriminant of the equation 3x26x+4=03x^{2}-6x+4=0. Then fracD4=(3)23cdot4=3<0 \\frac{D}{4}=(-3)^{2}-3 \\cdot 4=-3 < 0, so there are no intersection points with the xx-axis.'

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'(1) 35x + 91y + 65z = 3. By transforming (1), we get 7(5x + 13y) + 65z = 3. Let 5x + 13y = n, then 7n + 65z = 3. When n = 19 and z = -2, it is one of the integer solutions to (2). In this case, 5x + 13y = 19, x = -4, y = 3 is one of the integer solutions to this equation. Therefore, (x, y, z) = (-4, 3, -2) is one of the integer tuples that satisfies (1).'

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'Let a+b+c=8 (1) and a^{2}+b^{2}+c^{2}=32 (2). Substituting (1) into a=8-b-c, we get (8-b-c)^2+b^2+c^2=32. Simplifying, we have b^2+(c-8)b+(c-4)^2=0 (3) as the condition for real numbers b, c to satisfy. Therefore, the condition for the quadratic equation (3) to have real solutions is D≥0, where D is the discriminant of the quadratic equation (3). Simplifying D≥0 leads to -c(3c-16)≥0, which implies c(3c-16)≤0. Solving this inequality gives 0 ≥ c ≤ \\frac{16}{3}. Therefore, the maximum value of real number c is \\frac{16}{3}.'

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'(1) Find the number of real solutions of the quadratic equation 2x2+3x+a=02 x^{2}+3 x+a=0. Here, aa is a constant.\n(2) Determine the value of the constant mm such that the quadratic equation x2+mx+25=0x^{2}+m x+25=0 has repeated roots, and find those repeated roots.'

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'Solving Using the Law of Cosines'

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'Solve the equation x24x3=0x^{2}-4x-3=0.'

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'Exercise 51 || We proceed from the textbook (p.244) (1). Since the average score of X is equal to the average score of Y, we have 3a + 3b + 4c = 5a + 5b, therefore c = (a + b) / 2. Please solve.'

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'Consider the following cases.'

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'Find the common solution to the following equation.'

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'Exercise 18'

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'There are many cards of two colors, black and white. When you have k cards in hand, consider the following operation (A).'

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'Common solution when k=0 is x=0; common solution when k=\x0crac{5}{22} is x=-\x0crac{1}{2}'

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'Let k be a constant. Find the number of distinct real solutions of the equation |x^2 - x - 2| - x + k = 0.'

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'Find the solutions of the following equations:\n(1)\n\\n\egin{\overlineray}{l}\n\\frac{3x+2y}{4} = 1 \\\\\n\\frac{2x-y}{5} = 1\n\\end{\overlineray}\n\'

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'Find the number of real solutions for the following quadratic equations.'

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'By utilizing the quadratic formula, x(x+9)=4⋅(4+5) leads to x²+9x-36=0, which simplifies to (x-3)(x+12)=0. Since x>0, x=3'

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'Please solve the equation x^{2}+5x-2=0.'

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'Practice finding a single common real solution for the following two quadratic equations by determining the value of the constant term as 58k for each:'

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'Since ax^{2}-3x+a=0 is a quadratic equation, a must not equal to 0. Find the discriminants D_{1} and D_{2} in each case, and determine the range of a.'

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'Example 58 | Common Solution of Quadratic Equations (2)'

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'Given a line segment of length 1, draw a line segment with positive solutions to solve the following quadratic equations (1) x^2 + 4x - 1 = 0 (2) x^2 - 2x - 4 = 0'

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'Range of existence of solutions (relationship between solutions and the number k)\nLet\'s consider a quadratic function f(x)=a x^{2}+b x+c(a>0), where the quadratic equation f(x)=0 has two real solutions \\alpha, \eta(\\alpha \\leqq \eta), the relationship between the solutions \\alpha, \eta and the number k is as follows:\n(1) \\alpha>k, \eta>k\n(2) \\alpha<k, \eta<k\n(3) \\alpha<k<\eta\nWhen (1), (2) D=b^{2}-4 a c \\geqq 0, it indicates that there are intersection points with the x-axis. If f(k)>0, then the two points (\\alpha, 0), (\eta, 0) are both located to the right or left of the line x=k, but it is not yet determined which side is which, so the position of the axis is crucial. If the position of the axis is >k, then the two points (\\alpha, 0), (\eta, 0) are both to the right of the line x=k, i.e., \\alpha>k, \eta>k (see diagram (1)).\nIf the position of the axis is <k, then the two points (\\alpha, 0), (\eta, 0) are both to the left of the line x=k, i.e., \\alpha<k, \eta<k (see diagram (2)).\nIf f(k)<0, the graph will intersect with the x-axis in the ranges x<k and k<x.\nNote: The term "two real solutions" here does not just refer to two different real solutions, it also includes the case of double roots. However, the third case does not include the case of double roots.'

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'What is the condition for the equation h(x)=mx to have three distinct real number solutions?'

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'When the proposition p ➡️ q is true, q is said to be a necessary condition for p, and is a sufficient condition for q. This relationship can be remembered in the following form.'

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'For the quadratic equation x24ax+3a=0x^{2}-4ax+3a=0, determine the range of the constant aa such that the equation has real solutions satisfying the following conditions:\n1. All solutions are greater than 1.\n2. One solution is greater than 1, and the other solution is less than 1.'

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'Practice (2) Let a, b, c, d be positive numbers. For the quadratic equation x^2-(a+b)x+ab-cd=0, answer the following questions. [Shinshu University] (A) Prove that it has two distinct real solutions. (B) Prove that at least one of the two solutions must be positive. (C) Let the two solutions be α, β, and assume 0<α<β, investigate the relationship between a, a+b, α, β.'

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'Example 39 ⇒ Book p.364 (1) By the power rule, x⋅6=3⋅4 therefore x=2'

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'Solve the following quadratic equations.'

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'(1) |x-3|=2 x'

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'58 (1) \k=-6\, general solution is \x=2\'

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'Solve the following system of equations.'

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"Let's practice making 600g of 5% saltwater using 20 exercise books, page 55. First, establish equations for the amounts of saltwater and salt. Since there are conditions for x and y, use these conditions to derive an inequality involving only z. Take x grams and y grams from 3% and 4% saltwater solutions respectively, add z grams of 7% saltwater to create 600g of 5% saltwater. The total amount of saltwater is x+y+z=600. Next, for the amount of salt, set up the equation x × 3/100 + y × 4/100 + z × 7/100 = 600 × 5/100."

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"A group of elementary school students decided to purchase books and donate them to a public facility, with the target amount set at a yen. It was decided that each person would contribute 60 yen, and if all members of the group, b people, contributed, it was expected to exceed the target amount. However, because 20% of the members did not contribute, the target amount was short by 980 yen. Consequently, it was decided that only those who contributed money would each contribute an additional 15 yen, but as 3 people did not contribute, the target amount was still not reached. Nevertheless, the shortfall of c yen was covered by the bookstore's service, enabling the planned donation of books. Find the values of a, b, and c."

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A product sells 100 units per day when the unit price is 10 yen. For each 1 yen increase in the unit price, daily sales decrease by 5 units, and for each 1 yen decrease in the unit price, daily sales increase by 5 units. At what unit price will the daily sales amount be maximized? Find the maximum daily sales amount and the unit price at that time. Note that consumption tax is not considered.

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Solve the linear equation 2x5=9 -2 x-5=9 using the properties of equality.

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Solve the following quadratic equations. (1) 2x2+5x1=0 2 x^{2}+5 x-1=0 (2) x26x+3=0 x^{2}-6 x+3=0 (3) rac{1}{2} x^{2}+ rac{2}{3} x-1=0

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Solving a quadratic equation using the basic 87 formula

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Find the maximum value and minimum value.

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For the three quadratic functions y=x2 y=x^{2} \((1), y=(x-2)^{2}\)\( (2), y=(x-2)^{2}+1 \) , the correspondence table of x x and y y is as follows.

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Example 37 Determine the number of apples based on the conditions of the price, quantity, and total cost of 1 unit of apples and oranges.

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Given the function \( f(x)=x^{2}+a x+b \), express the minimum value m m over the interval 0x1 0 \leqq x \leqq 1 in terms of a a and b b .

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Choose the appropriate option for the following! from the options (1) to (3) below. Assume x is a real number. (1) p: x^{2}-x=0 \quad q: x=1 then, p is the \square condition for q. (2) For quadrilateral p: rhombus q: diagonals intersect perpendicularly then, p is the \square condition for q. ① Necessary and sufficient condition ② Necessary condition but not sufficient ③ Sufficient condition but not necessary

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TRAINING 88 (1) Find the range of values for the constant m m when the quadratic equation x2+3x+m1=0 x^{2}+3 x+m-1=0 has no real solutions. (2) Find the value of the constant m m and the repeated root for the quadratic equation \( x^{2}-2 m x+2(m+4)=0 \) when it has a repeated root.

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Condition for the quadratic equation to have 88 real roots (1)

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Standard 74 | Maximum and Minimum of Quadratic Functions and Word Problems (1)

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State the converse and the contrapositive of the following proposition P P and determine their truth values. Also, state the inverse of proposition P P . Assume x,y x, y are real numbers and n n is an integer. (1) P:x+y=3 P: \lceil x+y=-3 implies at least one of x x or y y is a negative number.\」 (2) P: \left\lceil n^{2}+1 ight. is even n\Longrightarrow n is odd (3) P: \left\lceil 3 x+5>0 \Longrightarrow x^{2}-6 x-7=0 ight floor

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(1) Remove the absolute value signs of 3x+1 |3 x+1| . (2) Solve the equation x1=3x+2 |x-1|=3 x+2 .

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Basic 63 | Function Expressions and Function Values

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An equation of the form (quadratic expression of x) = 0 is called a quadratic equation. The values of x that satisfy this quadratic equation are called the solutions of the quadratic equation, and finding all solutions is called solving the quadratic equation. Here, let us examine the solutions of quadratic equations, including what was learned in middle school.

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Solve the following quadratic equations. (1) x2+10x=0 x^{2}+10 x=0 (2) x2+x56=0 x^{2}+x-56=0 (3) 9x2+6x+1=0 9 x^{2}+6 x+1=0 (4) 4x2+8x21=0 4 x^{2}+8 x-21=0 (5) 3x2+5x2=0 3 x^{2}+5 x-2=0 (6) 6x27x3=0 6 x^{2}-7 x-3=0

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Determine the values of constants a a and b b to satisfy the following condition. (1) The graph of the linear function y=ax+b y=ax+b passes through the two points \( (-2,2) \) and \( (4,-1) \).

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Solve the following quadratic equations. (1) 3x2+7x=0 3 x^{2}+7 x=0 (2) x2x20=0 x^{2}-x-20=0 (3) x212x+36=0 x^{2}-12 x+36=0 (4) x249=0 x^{2}-49=0 (5) 2x27x+6=0 2 x^{2}-7 x+6=0

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Solve the following equation z^3 = -8i.

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Solve the equation z8=1 z^{8}=1 .

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TRAINING 56 Let x and y be real numbers. State the converse, contrapositive, and inverse of the following propositions, and determine their truth values. (1) x^2 ≠ -x ⟹ x ≠ -1 (2) x+y is a rational number ⟹ x or y is a rational number

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When the quadratic equation x24mx+m+3=0 x^{2}-4 m x+m+3=0 has a repeated root, find the value of the constant m m and its repeated root.

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Determine the value of the constant c c such that the minimum value of the function \( f(x)=-x^{2}+4 x+c(-4 \leqq x \leqq 4) \) is -50.

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Find the maximum value of xy x \cdot y given that (1) x+y=4 x + y = 4 .

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Solve the following equations. (1) z5=1,z4+z3+z2+z+1=0 z^{5}=1, z^{4}+z^{3}+z^{2}+z+1=0 (2) 1

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Therefore, \overrightarrow{\mathrm{DH}}= rac{1}{30} k ec{b}+ rac{1}{5} k ec{c}- rac{9}{10} k ec{d} , and since H \mathrm{H} is on the plane ABC \mathrm{ABC} , there exist real numbers s,t s, t such that \overrightarrow{\mathrm{AH}}=s ec{b}+t ec{c} . Hence, \overrightarrow{\mathrm{DH}}=\overrightarrow{\mathrm{AH}}-\overrightarrow{\mathrm{AD}}=s ec{b}+t ec{c}- ec{d} . From (1) and (2), we get rac{1}{30} k ec{b}+ rac{1}{5} k ec{c}- rac{9}{10} k ec{d}=s ec{b}+t ec{c}- ec{d}. Since the 4 points A,B,C,D \mathrm{A}, \mathrm{B}, \mathrm{C}, \mathrm{D} are not on the same plane, rac{1}{30} k=s, \quad rac{1}{5} k=t, \quad- rac{9}{10} k=-1

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The straight line y=2x+k intersects the ellipse x^{2}+4y^{2}=4 at two distinct points P and Q. (1) Find the range of the constant k. (2) When k varies within the range found in (1), find the locus of the midpoint M of the line segment PQ.

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113 (1) r=3/(2 cos θ) (2) θ=-π/4

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Find the equation of the circle with center at point 3+i -3+i and radius 2 \sqrt{2} .

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Math question: For riangleOAB riangle \mathrm{OAB} , let OP=sOA+tOB \overrightarrow{\mathrm{OP}}=s \overrightarrow{\mathrm{OA}}+t \overrightarrow{\mathrm{OB}} . Determine the range of existence for point P \mathrm{P} when the real numbers s s and t t satisfy the following conditions: (1) s+t=2 s+t=2 (2) s+t=3,s0,t0 s+t=3, s \geqq 0, \quad t \geqq 0

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15 (3) \( x^{2}+y^{2}+(z-1)^{2}=9 \)

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White Chart Method is a technique used in solving algebraic equations. Suppose you have the equation x^2 - 5x + 6 = 0.

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51 (1) \( r \cos \left( heta- rac{\pi}{4} ight)=\sqrt{2} \) (2) \( r=2 \sqrt{2} \cos \left( heta- rac{\pi}{4} ight) \)

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36 (1) x2=8y x^{2}=-8 y (2) y2=3x y^{2}=-3 x

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Using the White Chart Method, solve the equation x^2 + x - 12 = 0.

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Solve the equation z8=1 z^{8}=1 .

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What shape do all the points z z that satisfy the following equations form? (1) \( |z|^{2}=2i(z-ar{z}) \) (2) 3z=z4i 3|z|=|z-4i|

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White Chart Method is a technique used in solving algebraic equations. Suppose you have the equation x^2 - 5x + 6 = 0.

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Using the White Chart Method, solve the equation x^2 + x - 12 = 0.

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